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  • #836942


    I’m checking my site on all the navigators and I notice a problem on Firefox / Edge (PC), it’s OK on Chrome.
    If you have a look on my homepage at the top, you can see 3 columns (Biscuits, Confectionery, First class services). On Firefox / Edge, u don’t see the lateral border on the 3 blocks. I join print screens.
    I’ve tried to remove all my customised css and not better.
    When I inspect, if I untick the div .av_one_third width, it’s OK.


    Tx guys !


    Hey newki75,

    You can try to add the display: block; in your border image and check it again.

    Best regards,
    John Torvik


    Hello John,

    Could you explain ? Cause it’s a background image I’ve put as column background.
    Tx for you help!



    If I replace width : 29,33% by width : auto, it seems OK on Firefox but will it be the right solution ?
    Tx for your help guys !


    Hi Marine,

    If it works for you and works in all browsers, than you can stick to the solution.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    It seems to be OK that way, tx you can close the case.

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