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  • #1137864

    Hi there,
    it’s concernig a woocommerxe shop with enfold theme: for my product category descriptions I used to have an av toggle, which enlarges the text container on click:
    [av_toggle_container initial='0' mode='accordion' sort='']
    [av_toggle title='Weiterlesen ...' tags='']
    Now I want the complete text to be visible always, not hidden by accordeon, but divided in 2 parts, the first at its default place, the second at the bottom of page after the products.
    Any suggestions?
    kind regards, Joerg


    Hey brandgeist17,

    This will require customizing the template used to render category.

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,
    fine, where can I find this, as part of woocommerce or enfold?
    best regards, Joerg


    PS: Since using Enfold it is not possible any more to display the category description by an ACF, as we did before.
    Meanwhile I’ve been looking for code snippets to edit template- or functions.php. But obviously any of these I find are outdated, seem not to function with Enfold nor with WordPress 5.2 higher. So, it would be a great help, if you could give a more precise instruction.
    best regards, joerg



    How you have been doing it before?
    Have you been using a custom function or by editing the templates?

    Best regards,


    Hi Basils, as explained: with the previous theme I used ACF to display the cat / tag description in 2 parts, first part at the default place between headline and archive content, second part between the end of archive content and the page footer. And: only on the first archive pages, not the following ones.
    But after relaunch with Enfold I recognized that ACF did not work anymore. So, I used a the above short code for AV Toggle, placed directly into the cat / tag description. But this toggle only allowes accordeon mode, which hides most part of the cat / tag description permanently. This is not what I really need.
    best regards, joerg



    Yes, this is not what supported from our theme, so the best option is what I have suggested.

    Best regards,

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