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  • #571370

    hey guys,
    I just play around with the hover effects of the .av-catalogue-list > li:hover. I finally found out how to change the text-transformation and the background-color, but I dont know how to change the text-color on the hover effect. I still try this one with no change:
    .av-catalogue-list > li:hover {
    font-color: white !important; –> I try all the different variants (color: white !important; / color: rgba(255,255,255,1) !important; etc)
    background: rgba(0,153,150,1) !important;

    Thanks for your help!


    Hey philj0!

    Please try using following code

    .av-catalogue-list > li:hover {
    color: white !important;
    background: rgba(0,153,150,0.2) !important;

    If that too does not work, please post the link to your page



    thanks for quick reply! But the same code I already tried.
    The AV-Catalouge is on the first page on our website. The Link is in the private content.



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .av-catalogue-list > li:hover * {
        color: white!important;



    Hey Yigit,
    thanks for your help, works perfectly!



    Great, glad we could help :-)

    Best regards,


    Dear all dear Kriesi team,

    I experience a similar issue thus why no new topic is opened, and use the above mentionned code.

    On the very same page, however, I use two distinct catalogues. Each one should have its own hover color (for the purpose of site signeage) but I experience difficulties to “target” each catalogue distinctly and assign its own adressable hover color.

    Could you please help?
    1st catalogue is associated to avia-builder-el-6 –> desired hover color : #2596C3 (blue)
    2n catalogue is associated to avia-builder-el-10 –> desired hover color : #ff2d8f (magenta)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Alexoidea.


    You can turn on custom CSS field for ALB elements – and then edit your elements and give them two different custom CSS classes and then use the code as following

    .your-custom-class-one li:hover * {
        color: #2596C3 !important;
    .your-custom-class-two li:hover * {
        color: #ff2d8f !important;

    Best regards,


    Oh that was so simple… Thank you so much Yigit!



    You are welcome, always happy to help :)
    Let us know if you have any other questions or issues


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