It’s possible to modify the time of the slide less than a second in “Slide full screen”? I need 0.5 second.
Thank you,
Hey kyagi,
Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?
Hi Rikard,
My website is I’ve made a Full screen intro with avia slider (not published for now) and i need a time less than one second.. where can I change this?
Thank you,
This is possible but you have to do add the modification in the core files of the theme and you won’t be able to override it in a child theme. You have to redo modification every time you update the theme. One way is to modify the js > shortcodes.js > line 4754:
}, (this.options.interval * 1000));
.. replace it with:
}, (this.options.interval * 500));
Set the interval to 1.
UPDATE: Please use this filter instead:
add_filter('avf_slideshow_config', 'avf_slideshow_config_mod', 10, 1);
function avf_slideshow_config_mod($args) {
$args['interval'] = 0.5;
return $args;
Use the is_page conditional function if you need to apply this on a specific page.
Best regards,
Hi Ismael,
thank for your support, where can I add the “add filter” script you suggested? In shortcode.js file?
Sorry for the late reply. Please try adding this at the very end of your themes / child themes functions.php file.
Best regards,