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  • #417435

    I’ve created a complex automation script to build pages based on calendar weeks. what I tried so far:

    wp post create –post_type=page –post_title=”A future post” –post_status=private ../test.txt

    This works except of the Avia Formatting.

    I’ve checked the meta informations for this post:
    SELECT wp_postmeta.meta_id,
    FROM mydb.wp_postmeta
    where post_id = 694

    There are some Informations like _aviaLayoutBuilderCleanData and _avia_builder_shortcode_tree

    New Page-ID: 1587
    I’m able to add this tags via:

    wp post meta add 1587 _aviaLayoutBuilder_active active

    Could you provide some informations how to build this META informations easily? Especially _avia_builder_shortcode_tree

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 11 months ago by sips.

    Hi sips!

    I’m sorry but I do not understand. The customization your doing seems pretty complex so I would look into hiring a freelancer to help you out,

    Best regards,

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