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  • #1444633

    On my site, I am using advanced layer slider at the top of my page, I would like the video to play automatically on both desktop and mobile but it is not doing so

    In settings, I have set it to auto play as well (see login details below)

    Please help


    Hey navindesigns,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you set the video as layer background, and is it muted? Also, please make sure to use a Video/Audio layer and toggle the Background Video option in the Layer Settings > Content > Media Options section.

    Best regards,


    Try to set the option “play muted” to


    I just change that settings but it seems like nothing changed on my end

    did it update on your end?

    desktop and mobile


    if i set your video with the given settings of muted !!!

    You have this button to toggle between mute and unmute – so I’m guessing that’s the culprit – that you try to have sound. That is something only desktop browsers will support as bg-video


    It looks like it is autoplaying on desktop now
    can you verify for me?

    Regarding mobile, you are saying auto play is not possible?



    Thank you for the update.

    We edited the iframe URL and set the muted parameter to 1. It is now playing automatically on both desktop and mobile view.

    Best regards,


    but if you do not need all those features of advanced layerslider – you can use color-section background video option as well.
    just put in that inputfield :
    maybe with parameter ( do not track ) &dnt=1

    see here the player parameters of vimeo videos :

    I have found that pages simply load faster without the layer slider.



    will the color-section background video option play automatically on video on mobile?

    the big thing here is playing automatically and must be mobile (I cannot use a static replacement image)


    The video at the top auto plays for me on Android, but I don’t have a iPhone to test with, and typically that one is harder to get auto play to work on. If you can’t get it to work on iPhone try creating a gif from your video and use it as the static replacement image, this has worked well for others.

    Best regards,


    see – example page:

    as long the parameter muted is set – it will autoplay on mobile iOS devices.

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