April 18, 2017 at 8:32 pm #779629
Good Morning All,
Running into a problem with the Text editor.
I’ve found several issues with this going back to 2013. I’ve tried the solutions except this one found here: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/2-things-how-do-i-remove-automated-p-tags-in-straight-text-a-bug-in-enfold/
You can also edit config-templatebuilder > avia-shortcodes > textblock.php, find this code on line 61:$params[‘innerHtml’] = “<div class=’avia_textblock avia_textblock_style’ data-update_with=’content’>”.stripslashes(wpautop(trim(html_entity_decode( $params[‘content’]) ))).”</div>”;
Replace it with:
$params[‘innerHtml’] = “<div class=’avia_textblock avia_textblock_style’ data-update_with=’content’>”.stripslashes(trim(html_entity_decode( $params[‘content’]) )).”</div>”;
While I know that this solution would most likely work – the above solution would be overwritten upon updating the Enfold theme. I don’t want to have to make this change in the main themes code every time I update the theme.
I’ve tried adding the below lines to the functions.php file in my child theme, but it doesn’t work.
“remove_filter( ‘the_content’, ‘wpautop’ );
remove_filter( ‘the_excerpt’, ‘wpautop’ );I need a solution to this as I tend to get creative with my CSS using the display property and these auto added paragraph tags are killing me.
I have created a demo page for you to see the code I’m referencing and how I’m using the CSS. Please note, I use custom CSS that I upload via FTP. I have also created a user account for you with administrator privileges.
April 18, 2017 at 8:33 pm #779630P.S.
I would prefer a solution inside the Enfold Theme and not via an outside plugin.
April 18, 2017 at 8:36 pm #779634Also – while you are in there, check out the top left corner of the text block when you open it to look at the text / css……
I noticed this text overlaying each other AFTER I updated to the most recent version. Not really a big deal to me, just thought I’d let you know.
April 20, 2017 at 10:20 am #780416Hi Muskrat37,
Looks like the solid and not update proof solution at this point is the one you have in the original post. And that removing filter, like you said, does not seem to work. I did not see the overlapping text though, they look normal. Try pressing ctrl+f5 for Windows and cmd+r for Mac and see if the problem persists.
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,
VictoriaNovember 5, 2020 at 9:44 am #1258542Is there any news about that? Since I am experiencing the same issue right now…
(like “some Enfold updates later” :) )November 5, 2020 at 10:21 am #1258547by the way – the line in textblock.php is now on the newest enfold on line 222.
the wpautop had to be erased – so from$params['innerHtml'] = "<div class='avia_textblock avia_textblock_style' data-update_with='content'>".stripslashes(wpautop(trim(html_entity_decode( $params['content']) )))."</div>";
$params['innerHtml'] = "<div class='avia_textblock avia_textblock_style' data-update_with='content'>".stripslashes(trim(html_entity_decode( $params['content']) ))."</div>";
if you are working on a child-theme you can have a whole edited textblock.php on your child-theme/shortcodes/ folder by having this little snippet in your child-theme functions.php:
function avia_include_shortcode_template($paths){ $template_url = get_stylesheet_directory(); array_unshift($paths, $template_url.'/shortcodes/'); return $paths; } add_filter('avia_load_shortcodes', 'avia_include_shortcode_template', 15, 1);
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
November 5, 2020 at 10:47 am #1258551Guenni, alter Held!
Thanks for the quick reply. Just tried it – the child-theme version, but to no avail.Funny: My Hoster, Domainfactory, just decided to have some sort of global caching turned on. So with their crap in place I now do not know if your code fails or my attempts to overrule their moronic directives. Waiting for their reply now.
I’ll keep you posted.November 5, 2020 at 12:25 pm #1258583Kann sein, dass du
a) das Merging der css und js files: Unter Enfold / Leistung: “Alte CSS- und JS-Dateien löschen?” erneuern musst
b) den Browsercache refreshen musst #
und c) natürlich darfst du nicht erwarten, das alt angelegte Layouts sich dadurch verbessern.
– es werden nur neu erstellte Texte beeinflusst.welche p tags stören dich? manchmal werden nämlich auch lästige leere p-tags erstellt.
da gäbe es eine Lösung für.November 5, 2020 at 9:32 pm #1258733Danke Guenni. Keep it up!
Aber ich hab’ dann – obwohl Dein Alphabet für mich gepasst hat . was anderes ausprobiert. Sind einige Enfold-Sachen derzeit und ich hab’s bisschen eilig.Whoever stumbles upon this:
I was lazy further wordpressing the issue.
Since just an inline javascript was affected I flipped strategy to just putting the crap in CData-Tags. Like in the good old times.
Solved.PS Of course this will strike back on me asap. and I will tumble back in here to this still quite unresolved thing :D
November 6, 2020 at 6:24 am #1258798Hi eee_lala,
Thanks for the update, so your problem is solved now? Thanks @guenni007 for helping out :-)
Best regards,
RikardNovember 8, 2020 at 1:58 pm #1259108I will keep it like this for the time being, Rikard.
Though it is not really solved. Question remains why it behaves like that, so I can work around it in general.Anyways… thanks for the support! :)
This reply was modified 4 years, 4 months ago by
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