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  • Author
  • #901766


    how can I make the author comments link to the about-me-page (single blog!) instead of the author archive page,
    when someone clicks on the author comment name in the comment list below a post?

    I thought that this snippet would resolve it, but it has no effect at all:

    add_filter( 'author_link', 'modify_author_link', 10, 1 ); 	 	 
    function modify_author_link( $link ) {	 	 
        $link = '';
    return $link;	 	  	 	 



    Hey Chris,
    I tested this on my localhost at the bottom of my functions.php and it worked for me. See screenshot
    I assume you changed the “” link to your profile page.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Mike.

    Hi Mike,

    I don’t mean the author name below a post, I mean the author name & image/gravatar in the comment list!
    I had marked it strong in my post.


    In my clean install the author name & gravatar in the comment list don’t have link tags so they are not links, do yours? Please include the url to the page in question so we can take a closer look.
    If yours is the same as this, and you would like this function you can edit the includes/loop-comments.php to include the links.

    Best regards,


    okay, again: how can I make the author COMMENTS in the COMMENT LIST linkable to the author archive OR to the ABOUT ME page?

    Example – see comment list:

    and YES, I have add an website url (my about page) in the user/admin profile!
    (my site is not yet online, so please see the demo link above)

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by BeeCee.


    Do you want the whole comment to be a link to the author page? Please edit the includes > loop-commment.php file. Look for this code around line 49.

    <?php comment_text(); ?>

    Best regards,


    thanks, no, only the author name and its avatar should link to the “auther page” and – better – to my own “about-me” page, because I run a single-author-blog.



    Alright. Please edit the said file then look for this code.

    echo get_avatar($comment,'60', '', $gravatar_alt); ?>

    Replace it with:

    echo '<a rel="nofollow" href="'.$link.'" >';
                    echo get_avatar($comment,'60', '', $gravatar_alt); 
                    echo '</a';

    Please take note of the php closing tag.

    Best regards,


    thanks, is working fine! Appreciate your help very much!


    Glad Ismael was able to help, we will close this now. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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