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  • #558703

    Hi – I just published a blog post that included a meditation for New Year – the audio at the bottom of this page works on my Mac laptop, but not on my iPhone – the player shows, but stays at 0:00. Can someone tell me if it’s working for your iPads, PCs, etc.? I decided to check because a friend told me last night that my audios never work on her iPad.

    Thanks and Happy New Year!


    Note: I tried it again on my computer in an incognito window and had to refresh a few times for the counter to show up, but the audio isn’t playing. Can you help me figure this out?Thanks. I’ve added private content if you need to see the back end.


    Another Note: I couldn’t get it to play on a Chrome incognito window either. But it downloaded from there. Coudln’t download on the iPhone.




    Are you using a plugin? I’m not sure if mobile browsers are supporting the file extension you are using, maybe you could try mp3 instead?

    Best regards,


    Thanks. I was just using the File Upload in the Media for my blogs to upload the mp4 voice memo file format that I’d gotten off my iPhone. It inserted the player into my posts. It played on my computer so I assumed everyone could access it. After your reply, I learned to convert the mp4 into an mp3 using iTunes and uploaded that instead. I had one person say they could now hear it. I don’t have access to wifi or tablets as I’m traveling right now, but I’m hoping it can now be heard by most. It’s now also working in an incognito window, which it wasn’t before.

    Thanks again – resolved.


    Hi Dominiquehurley

    We are glad to help you resolve this issue. I am able to hear the audio on my laptop and on my android phone.

    Good Luck,


    This one’s resolved. Thank you.



    Great, glad we could help :-)

    Best regards,

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