hi! I LOVE the feature of the video opening in a lightbox on the portfolio. Is there a way to have this effect for an audio file? Either an uploaded file (preferable) or an audio file hosted somewhere else? I’d just like the song to play on screen without taking the user to another page – like the video effect does.
Thank you!
Update – sorry – What would also work is if the “excerpt” in the portfolio section – would take shortcodes. These shortcode works in the post:
[audio mp3="http://creategreatthings.com/serena/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/when-i-was-an-animal-1.24.14.mp3"][/audio]
[audio mp3="http://creategreatthings.com/serena/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/when-i-was-an-animal-1.24.14.mp3"]
But I would really like users to stay on the portfolio page. Is this possible?
Open /config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/masonry_entries.php and look for line 693:
$this->loop[$key]['content'] = $entry->post_excerpt;
Replace it by this:
$this->loop[$key]['content'] = do_shortcode($entry->post_excerpt);
Can you post a screenshot of the issue? It looks fine on my end http://i.imgur.com/Z4PLUXh.jpg
Oh Sorry! – I added a plugin that is making it work. But Ideally I’d like it to open in a lightbox like the video does. It doesn’t have to be styled or anything…
Because when someone clicks play…if they click play on another one…they’re both playing! If it’s a lightbox…then they’d have to click it off.
Is that do-able?
Thank you so much!