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  • #607077

    Why i can’t use this code in Portfolio Ajax? I display text only (no gallery or images…)
    I See PDF but i can’t see AUIDO EMBED.
    I use one plugin for audio: FWD ROYAL AUDIO PLAYER.
    But i can’t see one normal audio embed and i can’t see my FWD embed audio.

    The normal audio ember show in footer page. This is one error! Not show in to the porfolio. And my Plugin FWD is missing…

    [av_two_third first][gview file=”MY FILE PDF” height=”” save=”1″ cache=”0″][/av_two_third]

    [fwdrap preset_id=”8″ playlist_id=”1″]

    [audio mp3="http:/MY AUDIO.mp3"][/audio]

    Other question. Is possible hablite Advanced editor in Ajax content?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by LBITT.

    Hi LBITT,

    I’m not sure but it looks like that your audio plugin is not compatible with the theme, could you try another one maybe?

    Best regards,


    I have tested two ways: Embed audio of wordpress and my plugin. Do not operate any of the two. The first should work. It is not a plugin. You can try to see my link? You will see that the audio embed places it outside of the portfolio. Go tho the link my firend….



    could you provide us admin access, so we can take a closer look into it? Are we allowed to temporarily deactivate all your plugins? Post login details here as private reply.

    Best regards,


    OK, you can desactivate plugins. I put the web in maintance mode with woodojo. Don’t desactivate woodojo plugin.


    Name user



    I get this message when trying to login:

    View post on



    ok Try again. I desactivate Wordfence Security.




    it’s all ok?



    now I get this error message:
    “No tienes suficientes permisos para acceder a esta página”

    Please check and let us know when we are able to login.

    Best regards,


    ok sorry… it’s crazzy…. Use this other…

    I can acces with this
    Name ENFOLD
    PAss (in private content)



    Add this in the Quick CSS field:

    .wp-audio-shortcode {
        display: block !important;
        visibility: visible !important;

    The default audio shortcode is working but not the shortcode from the FWD Royal Audio Player plugin. Please contact the plugin author regarding the issue.

    Best regards,


    Not work. I need see audio in axaj description. I add one image.


    The previous image is an assembly with photohsop. In the reality this audio does not appear, and I want that I appear.
    This image is the actual appearance of my website.


    This is the item porfolio. And i use this code.

    Firts column for see a pdf, and second column for see audio embed. But i see only pdf.

    [av_two_third first]
    [gview file=”” height=”” save=”1″ cache=”0″]

    [audio mp3=""][/audio]



    Did you add the css code? We modified it a bit. Make sure that you copy the code directly from this forum, not from your email.

    .wp-audio-shortcode {
        display: block !important;
        visibility: visible !important;



    Thank you ismael. This code work.

    And for mi plugin i need put it in Visible mode? This is one problem in enfold theme?



    not every plugin is compatible with every WP theme, so you need to contact plugin’s author about any plugin’s questions or try to search for another plugin.



    Ok dod, but i can see this plugin in other parts. For exemple i can see working fine in one page. The problem is inpreview axaj porfolio. I cant’ t talk with creator of plugin if is your theme have this problem. You can fix it? or not?

    Thank you.



    I’m sorry but we can’t fix the plugin issue. The issue with the plugin is that it renders the player outside the body container. That’s why it is outside the portfolio content container.


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