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  • #1411891

    Hello there. Is there a way to attach a third button in the Easy Slider? Thank you!


    Hi NCATIT,

    Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to add a third button on the Easy Slider, since you will need to modify core files in Enfold to be able to change it which might break parts of the site in the process.

    Best regards,


    Thanks for the info Nikko, would there be any way to do it with a child theme?


    Hi NCATIT,

    I didn’t find a way to do it via a child theme since you’ll need to tweak some core files to do this tweak, if you know some PHP programming then I can point you to it, but it will be too risky and I don’t suggest it since it might affect some areas of the website and you will need to do the tweak after every theme update.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko, I’m a PHP/Wordpress developer, so your solution sounds OK to me. I don’t mind adding the code after each update.
    Please send any snippets you might have and I’ll test on a staging site.
    I very much appreciate your help. Thank you!


    Hi NCATIT,

    That’s nice, the file you need to edit is enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\class-popup-templates.php and find this function slideshow_button_links (line 759 in Enfold 5.6.3), just copy those arrays from Button 2 Label to Button 2 Link Target (line 844 – 895), add a comma after the closing parenthesis in line 895 and paste the whole button 2 arrays, then replace the labels with Button 3 and then replace the id as well.
    I hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    Hello again Nikko, hope all is well.
    Your tip sets up admin interface to accept a third button, but the third button doesn’t show up on the front end. What am I missing?
    Thank you so much.


    Hi NCATIT,

    I see, just so we use the same thing, please use the following codes:
    – enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-template-builder\php\class-popup-templates.php ->
    – enfold\config-templatebuilder\avia-shortcode-helpers\class-avia-slideshow.php ->

    And finally, add this CSS code in Quick CSS:

    .avia-multi-slideshow-button.avia-slideshow-button-2 {
        margin-right: 20px;

    Hope it helps.

    Note for other Enfold users: the changes is not recommended since both files are core, do it at your own risk.

    Best regards,

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