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  • #1463216

    Hello. I am referring to an old topic opened here on the forum, at

    Now, since the customer was not able to recover the old license, we purchased a new one to receive support for the problem indicated in the topic of the link above. I would like to know what we need to do now to receive complete assistance for the aforementioned problem, for example how we can update the license of the Enfold theme of the site in question and then proceed with any updates to the same.
    We would prefer to have a developer take care of the matter to avoid incurring critical problems to the site, given the sensitivity of the operation.

    We await your response,
    have a good day.


    Hey gmuscianese,

    Did you go through this guide which was linked in the previous thread?

    If you should need help with something else, then please open a new thread for that problem.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard.
    I did not go through the guide because in my installation, obviously, there is already a previous installation of Enfold Child. I created a new token, but since it was already validated in the past, there is no button (as you can see in the image attached) to validate the theme with a token, or to update with a new token.
    How do I have to go farther now? Do I have to reinstall the theme by downloading from Theme Forest, and then use the new token to validate the installation? Will it not create any kind of problem to the actually running site?

    That’s why I asked for a personal support, that’s a delicate question.

    WordPress menu in



    Thanks for the clarification. So the problem is that you cannot see the theme options at all? If that is the case, then please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply. You might want to consider replacing the current parent theme with a fresh copy via FTP, or upload it like it was new. Please make sure to have backups of your site before you update anything though.

    Best regards,


    Hi, I didn’t understand that I needed the “Envato market plugin”. I downloaded it and I was finally able to update the token and then update the theme correctly.

    Actually, the problem is that the original issue with the module on the right is still there. Its behaviour is visibly corrupted.

    Problem with the module

    I posted in the private content the credentials so you can have a closer look to what is the real issue there.

    Thank you.



    Thanks for that. Does the shortcode work if you place it in a Text Block element instead? And does it work properly if you activate a different theme?

    Best regards,


    Actually it is a Contact Form 7 module, not a shortcode, and it’s realized with Conditional Fields for Contact Form 7 plugin.
    I did not realize it so I don’t know other specific, I only know that it works with other themes and it also worked in previous versions and when the site was realized.

    There’s something you can do to correct that thing by logging in with the credentials I gave it to you?
    Please remember that I also bought another license only to have support from you for this delicate issue.



    Thanks for the update. How exactly are you testing that? I get this error message when trying to add the shortcode in question both when Enfold and a default WordPress theme is active:

    Aggiornamento fallito. La risposta non è una risposta JSON valida.

    Note that out support for third party plugins is limited, you might want to consider reaching out to the plugin developers first of all.

    Best regards,


    Hi, I don’t understand which shortcode are u trying to add, this module is a Contact Form 7 with Conditional Fields form.

    The only thing I did is updating the theme as you told me previously, thinking it was enough to correct the problem.

    Now, the actual developers (which are not the original developers of the website), to whom I delegated the work, simply told me that this module originally worked both on Enfold and on the other themes, but now, even after the update (as we can clearly see), it does not work anymore, and they don’t understand why.

    I simply don’t know what to do anymore. I bought the license thinking it would solve the problem, and now we’re back to square one with no solutions.
    What do we have to do?


    can you please post the content of your cf7 formular code?
    use the code tag here to post!

    copy paste it from here:

    often the conditional field groups are wrapping all that should be hidden – my guess is that the p tag is outside the conditonal group

    and please post the conditional fields content ( use the text mode to copy paste it )

    show [rueckruf] if [rueckrufwunsch] equals "Bitte um Rückruf"
    show [mail1] if [rueckrufwunsch] not equals "Bitte um Rückruf"
    show [mail2] if [rueckrufwunsch] equals "Bitte um Rückruf"
    show [group-1] if [checkbox-15] not equals "Beratung"
               and if [checkbox-16] not equals "Schulung"
               and if [checkbox-17] not equals "Begleitung"
               and if [checkbox-18] not equals "Funded-heads"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-15] equals "Beratung"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-16] equals "Schulung"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-17] equals "Begleitung"
    show [group-2] if [checkbox-18] equals "Funded-heads"


    If you look in the code block where the this “module” is placed, you can see that it’s generated by shortcode.

    Like I stated earlier, we can’t be responsible for problems with third party plugins. Please try to reach out to the plugin authors for further help. If you need further help from us, then please let us know how you are testing things, as you wrote earlier that it’s working as it should using other themes.

    Best regards,


    The website link is, and the corrupted module is the one on the homepage on the right, named “Preventivo personalizzato – Ottienilo in pochi passaggi”.

    The CF7 formular code is divided in 2 steps.
    Step 1:

    <font size="3">Puoi ottenere un preventivo per la Cessione del Quinto, Delegazione di Pagamento, Anticipo del TFS o Prestito Personale.</font>
    Tipologia di impiego[select TipoImpiego "Scegli" "Lavoratore Dipendente" "Lavoratore Autonomo" "Pensionato"]
    [group GTipoContratto]
    Tipo di contratto[select* TipoContratto "Scegli" "Tempo Determinato" "Tempo Indeterminato"]
    [group GTipoAzienda]
    Tipo azienda[select TipoAzienda "Scegli" "Pubblica / Statale" "Parapubblica" "Privata" "Altro"]
    [group GEnteErogante]
    Ente erogante[select* EnteErogante "Scegli" "INPS" "EX INPDAP" "Altro ente"]Tipologia di pensione[select* TipologiaPensione "Scegli" "Contributiva / Retributiva" "Inabilità / Invalidità ordinaria" "Invalidità civile" "Altra" ]
    [group GForma]
    Forma[select* FormaAzienda "Scegli" "SRL/SPA" "Altro"]
    [group GRedditoMensile]
    Reddito mensile[select* RedditoMensile "Scegli" "€ 500" "€ 600" "€ 700" "€ 800" "€ 900" "€ 1000" "€ 1100" "€ 1200" "€ 1300" "€ 1400" "€ 1500" "€ 1600" "€ 1700" "€ 1800" "€ 1900" "€ 2000" "€ 2000+"]
    [group GEta]
    Età[select eta "Scegli" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" "32" "33" "34" "35" "36" "37" "38" "39" "40" "41" "42" "43" "44" "45" "46" "47" "48" "49" "50" "51" "52" "53" "54" "55" "56" "57" "58" "59" "60" "61" "62" "63" "64" "65" "66" "67" "68" "69" "70" "71" "72" "73" "74" "75" "76" "77" "78" "79" "80" "81" "82"]
    [group GImportoRichiesto]
    Importo richiesto[select* ImportoRichiesto "Scegli" "€ 0-5000" "€ 5000-10000" "€ 10000-20000" "€ 20000-30000" "€ 30000-40000" "€ 40000-50000" "€ 50000-60000" "€ 60000-75000"]
    [group GProvincia]
    Provincia di residenza[select* Provincia "Scegli" "Agrigento" "Alessandria" "Ancona" "Aosta" "Arezzo	" "Ascoli Piceno" "Asti" "Avellino" "Bari" "Barletta-Andria-Trani" "Belluno" "Benevento" "Bergamo" "Biella" "Bologna" "Bolzano" "Brescia" "Brindisi" "Cagliari" "Caltanissetta" "Campobasso" "Carbonia-Iglesias" "Caserta" "Catania" "Catanzaro" "Chieti" "Como" "Cosenza" "Cremona" "Crotone" "Cuneo" "Enna" "Fermo" "Ferrara" "Firenze" "Foggia" "Forli’-Cesena" "Frosinone" "Genova" "Gorizia" "Grosseto" "Imperia" "Isernia" "La Spezia" "L’Aquila" "Latina" "Lecce" "Lecco" "Livorno" "Lodi" "Lucca" "Macerata" "Mantova" "Massa-Carrara" "Matera" "Medio Campidano" "Messina" "Milano	" "Modena" "Monza e Brianza" "Napoli" "Novara" "Nuoro" "Ogliastra" "Olbia-Tempio" "Oristano" "Padova" "Palermo" "Parma" "Pavia" "Perugia" "Pesaro e Urbino" "Pescara" "Piacenza" "Pisa" "Pistoia" "Pordenone" "Potenza" "Prato" "Ragusa" "Ravenna" "Reggio Calabria" "Reggio Emilia" "Rieti" "Rimini" "Roma" "Rovigo" "Salerno" "Sassari" "Savona" "Siena" "Siracusa" "Sondrio" "Taranto" "Teramo" "Terni" "Torino" "Trapani" "Trento	" "Treviso" "Trieste" "Udine" "Varese" "Venezia" "Verbano-Cusio-Ossola" "Vercelli" "Verona" "Vibo Valentia" "Vicenza" "Viterbo"]
    [group GNoCompilati2]
    <strong>Torna indietro per compilare i dati mancanti.<strong>
    ["Indietro" "Avanti" "Step 2"][group GDatiPersonali]
    Nome e Cognome[text* NomeCognome]
    Indirizzo E-mail[email* email]
    Numero di telefono[tel* tel]
    [acceptance privacy] Ho letto e accetto la <a href="privacy-cookie-policy" title="privacy-cookie-policy">Privacy e Cookie Policy</a>. [/acceptance]
    [group GNofinanziamento]
    <strong>Ci dispiace, non puoi ottenere un finanziamento. Contattaci per maggiori informazioni.<strong>
    [group GNoCompilati3]
    <strong>Torna indietro per compilare i dati mancanti.<strong>

    Step 2:

    [group GChiusura]
    [radio trattamento use_label_element "Accetto" "Non accetto"]
    <font size="1">Presto liberamente il mio consenso al trattamento dei dati personali, per adempiere ad obblighi di legge e regolamentari, per adempiere alle attività di analisi e d’istruttoria finalizzata all’ottenimento ed alla gestione del finanziamento da parte di Italiana Finanziamenti S.r.l.s. qualora concesso, nonché per quanto riguarda il trattamento dei dati sensibili già acquisiti o che saranno acquisiti a seguito delle operazioni sopra previste, sempre che tale acquisizione sia strumentale e nei limiti della specifica finalità perseguita dall’operazione e dai servizi richiesti.</font>
    [radio comunicazione use_label_element "Accetto" "Non accetto"]
    <font size="1">Presto liberamente il mio consenso per la comunicazione dei dati personali per le finalità ed alle categorie di soggetti enunciate nell’art. 3 dell’informativa e, comunque, secondo le indicazioni ivi riportate, nonché per la loro diffusione alle medesime categorie di soggetti.</font>
    [radio informazioni use_label_element "Accetto" "Non accetto"]
    <font size="1">Presto liberamente il mio consenso per il trattamento dei dati personali al fine di ricevere informazioni inerenti le offerte di prodotti e servizi di Italiana Finanziamenti S.r.l.s. o di soggetti terzi, ivi comprese quelle informazioni commerciali relative.</font>
    [submit "Invia"]
    [group GContatti]
    <strong><a href="/contatti/">VAI ALLA PAGINA DEI CONTATTI</a><strong>
    [group GNoCompilati]
    <strong>Torna indietro per compilare i dati mancanti.<strong>
    [group GNoPrivacy]
    <strong>È necessario accettare la Privacy e Cookie Policy. Torna Indietro per accettarla.<strong>

    The conditional fields are:

    show [GTipoContratto] if [TipoImpiego] equals "Lavoratore Dipendente"
                      and if [-1] equals "Avanti"
    show [GTipoAzienda] if [TipoContratto] not equals "Scegli"
                    and if [TipoImpiego] equals "Lavoratore Dipendente"
    show [GRedditoMensile] if [TipoAzienda] equals "Pubblica / Statale"
                       and if [TipoImpiego] equals "Lavoratore Dipendente"
    show [GForma] if [TipoAzienda] equals "Privata"
              and if [TipoImpiego] equals "Lavoratore Dipendente"
    show [GRedditoMensile] if [FormaAzienda] not equals "Scegli"
    show [GEta] if [RedditoMensile] not equals "Scegli"
            and if [TipologiaPensione] not equals "Invalidità civile"
    show [GImportoRichiesto] if [eta] not equals "Scegli"
                         and if [TipologiaPensione] not equals "Invalidità civile"
    show [GProvincia] if [ImportoRichiesto] not equals "Scegli"
                  and if [TipologiaPensione] not equals "Invalidità civile"
    show [GEnteErogante] if [TipoImpiego] equals "Pensionato"
    show [GRedditoMensile] if [TipoImpiego] equals "Pensionato"
                       and if [TipologiaPensione] equals "Inabilità / Invalidità ordinaria"
    show [GRedditoMensile] if [TipoImpiego] equals "Pensionato"
                       and if [TipologiaPensione] equals "Contributiva / Retributiva"
    show [GRedditoMensile] if [TipoImpiego] equals "Lavoratore Autonomo"
                       and if [-1] not equals "Avanti"
    show [GNofinanziamento] if [TipologiaPensione] equals "Invalidità civile"
    show [GDatiPersonali] if [Provincia] not equals "Scegli"
                      and if [-1] equals "Avanti"
    show [GChiusura] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                 and if [privacy] not equals ""
                 and if [email] not equals ""
    show [GRedditoMensile] if [TipoAzienda] equals "Parapubblica"
                       and if [TipoImpiego] equals "Lavoratore Dipendente"
    show [GRedditoMensile] if [TipoImpiego] equals "Pensionato"
                       and if [TipologiaPensione] equals "Altra"
    show [GContatti] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                 and if [TipologiaPensione] equals "Invalidità civile"
    show [GNoCompilati3] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                     and if [TipoContratto] equals "Lavoratore Dipendente"
                     and if [TipoContratto] equals "Scegli"
    show [GNoCompilati3] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                     and if [RedditoMensile] equals "Scegli"
    show [GNoCompilati3] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                     and if [TipoImpiego] equals "Lavoratore Dipendente"
                     and if [TipoAzienda] equals "Scegli"
    show [GNoCompilati3] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                     and if [RedditoMensile] equals "Scegli"
    show [GNoCompilati3] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                     and if [eta] equals "Scegli"
    show [GNoCompilati3] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                     and if [Provincia] equals "Scegli"
    show [GNoCompilati2] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                     and if [TipoImpiego] equals "Scegli"
    show [GNoPrivacy] if [-1] equals "Avanti"
                  and if [privacy] equals ""

    Thank you so much, let me know if u can understand something.
    If there’s no solutions, I’ll try to contact CF7 and Conditional Fields for CF7 developers.


    What do you mean by 2steps ?
    This is the complete content of Formbuilder – isn’t it?

    First view shows me a value Avanti – that has not a field to prove!

    On the whole conditional fields these “Avanti” check has no field to prove.


    is it this what you are trying to get?

    but on conditional fields there are missing values for the conditions e.g:

    but this is something you had to know better when fields are shown if e.g from above privacy not equals – and e-mail not equals.


    Sorry, I really tried to go through your decision tree, but there are quite a few logic errors in the conditional fields. Big disadvantage of the plugin is that there is only an and logic – no or – that would make things easier.

    I’m getting out now – if what I’ve achieved on the example page is enough for you – I’ll post the codes here.


    With “Step 1” and “Step 2” I mean this:



    Basically, Step 1 is when you select the different choices (like Contract Typology, Age, Income, Province), and Step 2 cames after all the choices and asks you Name, Surname and contacts for the email.

    So, the test in your example page is correct except for one thing:
    As you finished selecting the choices for “Step 1” (like Tipologia di Contratto, Età, Reddito, Provincia), that “Step 1” disappeares completely and it only shows “Step 2” (Nome e Cognome, Indirizzo E-mail, Numero di telefono, Privacy Policy Acceptance).

    I hope this is helpful and understandable what I am trying to say.


    Yeah, I noticed that but I completely don’t understand why they put this empty fields. So you telling me that this fields are completely useless? If we delete them, the module works exactly the same?

    Thank you so much for your time sir, so much appreciated.


    We were able to correct “Step 1” and “Step 2”.

    We didn’t notice at first that this part

    [group GDatiPersonali]
    Nome e Cognome[text* NomeCognome]
    Indirizzo E-mail[email* email]
    Numero di telefono[tel* tel]
    [acceptance privacy] Ho letto e accetto la <a href="privacy-cookie-policy" title="privacy-cookie-policy">Privacy e Cookie Policy</a>. [/acceptance]

    was on the “Step 1” module, but it had to be on the “Step 2”.

    Now, we have a lot of little problems and also a big one (the module is not sending any emails), but I think I’ll try to contact the module developers.
    Thank you so much for the help.



    Thanks for the update. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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