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  • #1193891

    I have an issue with this Article page:
    In settings I have chosen do not to show sidebar but I see it. I have title but I don’t see it.
    Also I have chosen specific taxonomy tag (“Zanzibar”) for articles view selection. This option is not working and it creates conflict.
    If I chose article selection from category works well and also sidebar disappears.
    Can you have a look to this please?


    Hi soniavoice,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    This is fixed. Here are the things we have changed on your site.
    In Settings > Reading, we set it to Your latest posts (the default).
    Then in Enfold > Theme Options, the page is set.
    In Enfold > Blog Layout, since you are using Advanced Layout Builder in your Blog page, we have changed it from Grid Layout to Use the advance layout editor to build your own blog layout (simply edit the page you have chosen in Enfold->Theme Options as a blog page)
    And that’s it :)
    Let us know if you need further assistance.

    Best regards,


    Thank’s now is ok but I can’t undestand why is changed menu font and size, posts sidebar is more narrow, Title H1 is bigger. I didn’t touch any setting.
    Content box is smaller than before! It is set 1310 px but it looks smaller.
    And also in Google Chrome slide text in homepage disappears. There is some issue.
    Also in page with hotels I can’t see contact form in sidebar. It’s cut. In mobile version is ok. In desktop version is cut.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by soniavoice.

    Hi soniavoice,

    I’m not really sure why that happens but if I check on your site it’s fetching on this code:

    .container {
        max-width: 1010px;

    And it’s coming from autoptimize’s cached css file (link in private content).
    Please flush out autoptimize caching and maybe try to disable it temporarily as its most likely causing the issue you mentioned.

    Best regards,


    Hi, I’ve tried to flush cache and disable Autoptimize but nothig is changed. I continnue tu see small font in menu bar and content box smaller.


    Hi soniavoice,

    Can you try to check again?
    There were 2 issues, the first one is an enclosed media query in your Quick CSS, I made changes on your Quick CSS and merged your media queries and some css that has the same properties.
    The 2nd issue was caching which I believe your server caches css fast so I enabled back autoptimize plugin and flushed it and the settings you set seems to work properly.

    Best regards,


    Thank’s! Issue is solved. Great!
    Do you think that I can activate again Autoptimize plugin now?


    Hi soniavoice,

    Yes but I have already enabled the autoptimize plugin since the caching on your site is really sticking hard XD

    Best regards,

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