Hi guys, I need some help here, I have this page: http://rvarq.com/3d-renders/ and I need to know how to keep display the big image in a Lightbox but without leaving the sort option that I have selected.
For example, if I select Render Nightlight and click on the first one, if I click on the right arrow, the second one, is not going to be another night render. So, the arrow keys go from one to one of the ALL renders, not through the SORT Option selected.
I hope there’s some Quick CSS to fix this.
Best regards and nice weekend.
Hi nicolasweh!
Thank you for using Enfold.
I’m sorry but there is no connection between the lightbox and the sort options. You can’t filter out the images based on the selected sort filter. Please contact codeable to customize the lightbox and the sort option script: http://kriesi.at/contact/customization
Ok Ismael, it’s a pity, no worries and thanks for reply.