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  • #695565


    In color section i’ve selected “display arrow that points down to the next section” but somehow it displays it two times.. Is there a sollution for this?

    The section followin is a grid row…

    Thank you


    Hi reamisag!

    Can you please post the link to your page where we can see the issue?



    Hi yigit,

    Shure, but the website is still in development modus so you’ll need to login first to see the page.

    The problem is on the homepage when you scroll down to appr. middle just before the fullwidith button…

    Thank you & regards

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by ananda.


    Could you please switch user role to administrator?
    That seems to be a small glitch, we would like to update the page for further investigation.



    well the page is allmost finished and i would rather not update at this moment… if there is a css solution that would be great at the moment… but as far as I know this is the last version of the theme…



    We will not change anything on the page. Please try adding 1/1 column element to the top of your page, update it and then remove that 1/1 column element and update your page once again and check if that helps.

    Edit: If you would like to remove it using CSS, please add following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under General Styling tab

    #wrap_all + .av-extra-border-element {
        display: none;

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Yigit.

    yes the CSS did the job, but now something else got bad… now the bottom title is set to be white FFF but it is black…
    I tried your hack with adding 1/1 column and then removed it… now i cant get it work… i guess i’ll have to send you the admin login…


    it there a way that i can add a css style to the fullwidth button? problem ist this code… it looks like something is not closing…

    [popup_trigger id=”421″ tag=”span”]
    [av_button_big label='TESTEN SIE UNS NOCH HEUTE' description_pos='above' link='manually,#' link_target='' icon_select='yes-left-icon' icon='ue805' font='entypo-fontello' custom_font='#ffffff' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' color_hover='theme-color-subtle' color_hover='custom' custom_bg_hover='#a80f0f']
    Jetzt sind Sie drann. Buchen Sie eine geführte Test Fahrt mit uns,
    angepasst auf Ihre persönlichen Anforderungen.

    To trigger the mondial popup i need to do it like above or add css style to the link…



    Sorry for the late reply. Please refer to this to be able to assign a class to all builder elements, you can style the element in question using your own class:


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