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  • #544147


    I have been investigating the issue that the backend of WP had become so slow. I am using Enfold and maybe the theme was generating too many requests. But after installing the plugin Query monitor I found that WordPress API HTTP requests where slowing down admin.
    Strangely this issue is not happening on other sites I am managing.

    The API HTTP requests are also generated more then ones for the same urls (4 times) (4 times) (2 times)

    After deactivating them through wp-config the loading time of the backend decreased.
    Any idea why this happening and how I can get the API working without these HTTP request mania?



    Hi Jan!

    First time to hear that, to be honest.
    I will notify the dev team, through our git, to give that a look and maybe manage to short it out for future releases.

    Thanks a lot for notifying us!

    Best regards,


    Hi Basilis,

    Thank you for notifying the dev team. Hopefully they can resolve this.

    Best regards,



    Please provide the url and the temporary login details so that we could check the site. Did you test this with plugins deactivated?


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