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  • #1228681


    I am experiencing a strange behaviour while using Enfold.

    Mostly upon accessing media to add an image or just list the images, apache goes away instantly. Restart it from commandline does not help. After 30 seconds or maybe 2 minutes it is back. Sometimes this happens when saving a page with avia layout builder without any media. It only seems to happen in admin, not on the site – pages created work fine.

    Never seen something like this before. There are no logs with info on what happens.

    Environment: Linux, Plesk, Apache, MariaDB, PHP 7.3.19

    Changes made: Going back from php-fpm to fastcgi. Going back to PHP 7.2.31. Increasing WP memory to 128 mb site / 256 mb admin. All to no avail.

    Interesting, the swich to fastcgi seemed to help for 6 hours of development, then slowly adopted the old misbehaviour.

    On the server level there are no clogged up threads, no shortage of RAM or disk space, other services continue to run normal. WP install was checked with Site Health, nothing special there.

    Help debugging this would be appreciated.



    Hey Andi,

    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL (and htaccess if needed) so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Thanks Rikard, the info is posted in the private section.



    We are sorry for the late reply!

    I tried accessing media library, uploading new images and editing your pages created with ALB however it does not crash on my end. Have you figured it out already?
    If not, could you please let us know how to reproduce the issue step by step?

    Best regards,


    Yes, I figured out the problem.

    Working with this particular Enfold themed site now and then exceeds the router’s firewall DoS protection limit of maximum half open connections to one host. That limit is 100, which is quite high.

    Not sure what induces this problem.

    If apache where to serve the thumbnails from WP media library one by one with a separate connection for each of these requests.. that would explain it. Apache is configured to use KeepAlive. I suspect something with the Plesk PHP handler.



    Glad you figured it out!

    We have not received such reports before but if you find out more, please do share with us so we can fix if it’s theme related :)

    Best regards,

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