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  • #493270


    I’m using a combination of 2 widgets to make a more attractive opt-in form in the sidebar on my blog. Right now, the image widget (Jetpack) and Text widget (in which I put the code from MailChimp) have a big space in between so they look like 2 separate things. Any way to squish those 2 (but not other widgets in the sidebar? Here’s a link to show

    I imagine this related question would be for Jetpack, not you. There’s a box around the image. Any way to get that off? Asking her in case.

    Much appreciated – Dominique


    Hey dominiquehurley!

    use this code:

    section#image-2 {
    margin-bottom: 70px;

    To get rid of the border:

    .wp-caption.alignleft {
    border-width: 0px;



    Hi Andy, Thanks. The border disappeared, but the space between the widgets didn’t. See Does that code include something specific to let it know that it’s for the sidebar? I just put it in the general Enfold CCS window.



    Continued… Actually, it looks twice as big as the space between the other widgets in the space bar.



    then use minus instead:

    section#image-2 {
    margin-bottom: -70px;



    Fantastic. That worked. Any way to get the writing in white and the button white (but keep the purple writing there) I didn’t see any text # in all the naked form code from Mail Chimp. The fact I knew to look says a lot about what you guys have taught this non-techy this year :-)


    To add to my replies above – could this code have affected the round photo icons in the search field? They were there yesterday, and now there are only numbers inside the circles. See



    Please add this in the Quick CSS field to change the label color to white:

    #mc_embed_signup .mc-field-group label {
        color: #ffffff;



    Thank you. Resolved. Wonderful!



    glad we could help. Let us know in a new ticket if you have some more questions related to the theme. We are happy to assist you.


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