I have a problem with al kinds of animations in the enfold theme. In the admin preview everything works fine, but in the normal page view (for logged out users) the functions are not working: layer slider, testimonials, maps , mobile navigation, etc.
I’ve got the following error mesage in firebug:
TypeError: $.Avia Tooltip is not a constructor
I’m using WP 4 latest version and enfold latest verion. All third-party plugins are disabeld.
Thank you!
Best regards
Hey hansdamf!
Thank you for using Enfold.
There’s a script error coming from js > shortcodes.js file. Please get a fresh copy of the said file then override the old one. Did you add any modifications on the child theme?
Hi Ismael,
I did override the shortcodes.js. and have the same problem.
I found out that it only appears when I use the child theme. But it makes no difference if I ad any modifications in the child theme or use only the blank files.
Thx for help,
I don’t see any issues when viewing the site right now. Was anything changed or updated/deactivated?
Yes, I tested some things and found out, that the old analytics code made problems after the update.