I have a set of 3 animated numbers on our homepage.
Unfortunately the numbers do not load/animate when the page loads. There remain on 0.
If I do a refresh, they load, but this is not ideal for users.
Can you advise how to fix please.
Hey woogie07,
This error doesn’t happen constantly for me when I check, it looks like you are using the wp-smushit plugin with smush lazy-load. Please disable wp-smushit and clear all cache and check again. If that helps then try disabling only the lazy-load option in smush.
It also looks like you are using a CDN on the site or server, so also clear this and it could take 24hr for it to clear.
The element has “avia_animate_when_visible” and the lazy load or smush maybe blocking the “animate_when_visible” script.
Best regards,