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  • #925809

    Hi there,

    I have the following problem: I’ve created a full width color section at the bottom of a page, with 4 animated number-cells inside. They are set on 1/4 width each. When I take a look at the page, I see that the numbers are not equally layed out: the cells only cover about 2/3rd of the total container width. I have pasted a link in the Private Content field below, so you can see what’s going on.

    I tried to change some settings to solve this problem, but I didnlt succeed and I am out of options now. Could you please help me out with this one? Thanks!

    Kind regards,

    • This topic was modified 7 years ago by wyzyncom.

    Hey wyzyncom,

    Please try a Grid Row element instead, if you place layout elements inside of Color Sections then they will be limited to the container width set in the theme options.

    Best regards,


    A little late response, but thanks for your help, the problem was solved. This topic can be closed :)



    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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