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  • #924433

    Hi guys,
    I would like to speed up the animated number animation…….

    My understanding is that it’s this line in numbers.js

    var number_container = $(this), elements = number_container.find(‘.__av-single-number’), countTimer =‘timer’) || 3000;

    Unfortunatly nothing changes when I alter the number…!? Even when Cache is cleared…

    PLS advice & all the best


    Hey Commodus76,

    Can we see your web site, so we can see the code added and the animation?
    Can you also provide web access please

    Tank you

    Best regards,


    Sure… for example:

    THX ….

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Vinay. Reason: moved credentials to private


    The speed of the animated number can be delayed/incresed to show the animation for a longer/shorter period by editing the shortcode.js file found in the wp-content\themes\enfold\js\ folder.

    Increase the number 3000 to a greater number in the line:

    var number_container = $(this), elements = number_container.find('.__av-single-number'), countTimer ='timer') || 3000;

    Best regards,


    THx, but the line is in numbers.js..
    anyway….solved this issue with a workaround….



    Glad it is sorted!
    To know more about enfold features please check –
    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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