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  • #1409442

    Hallo zusammen

    Wir verwenden in unseren Texte Guillemets (« / »), die im WordPress-Editor zwar als solche angezeigt werden. Selbst wenn ich die normalen ” ” verwende erscheinen sie auf der Webseite als “ / ”


    Wo finde ich die Einstellungen, um die deutschen Anführungszeichen durch Guillemets zu ersetzen resp. wie definiere ich das als css?


    Hey Michelle,
    Thanks for your question, I tested the Guillemets in a text block and they work on my test site:
    « »
    and the ones you posted above in the forum also are working. Perhaps you are using a custom font that doesn’t support them?
    Perhaps you have a plugin causing a conflict, try disabling your plugins.
    Please give this a try, if you still have problems then please include an admin login in the Private Content area and link to a test page so we can be of more assistance.

    Best regards,


    Yes – there is a definition for those quotes in enfold-functions.php with avia_ampersand function.
    but even if i overwrite that function ( as a pluggable function – it is easy to do ) i can not set for quillemets ( » and. « )

    i think that the lang setting for that page is disturbing the way it might work.

    if you are using the de_X setting for your page try this in your child-theme functions.php:

    for copy and paste the function ( do not copy the leading <?php see pastbin :

    PPS: all credits goes to :


    sorry boardsoft will replace my code snippet i use for the strings:
    the entities are important for the code to work.
    (click to enlarge)

    PS if you use lang setting of ch_X. use that instead


    Guenni007, do you mean that you also can not add these to a text element?
    I tried changing the language of my site to German and adding them again, and also tried editing again to ensure that they were not lost in the saving and editing process, but they are still there.

    Best regards,


    you can do that by adding the html entities or by adding it by copy and paste.
    But if you are writing in text-block editor and using the standard key ( shift 2 ) from your keyboard – it will insert the english opening and closing double quotes.
    The language than decides how they will look like on frontend – if you choose french as page language they will automatically translated to those Guillements. in German we have those curly brackets ( and the ampersand function only changes the straight double quotes to curly double quoutes by wrapping in a span with class ) etc. pp.
    But now – if your page is set to german and you like to have those guillemets this is an option to do so.

    On mac german keyboard ( QWERTZ)
    « : option q
    » : shift option q


    Thanks Guenni007, I think that I misunderstood, I thought the question was that the text element didn’t allow Guillemets.
    But I guess the question was how to make the keyboard type the Guillemets, thanks for explaining how to do this I’m sure it will be helpful to many people.

    Best regards,

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