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  • #544915

    Hi there,

    we have on some pages subnavis where you can jump to an anchor color section on the same page.

    It worked very good, the browser jumped to the color sections with the anchor ids.
    But since the weekend the header would be ignored. Which means that the user will jump the height of the header below the color section with the ID.

    What we have changed over the weekend?

    – we added some english pages via wpml
    – we added another language in wpml
    – some small adjustmenst via css (breadcrumbs on the left side, hover color of the mail icon, breadcrumb link text orange, icon sizes of a element on our help site. the issue still exist when we deactivate our css changes.

    Tomorrow our page will be released.
    It would be really, really great, if somebody could help.


    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by iosxpert.

    Hey iosxpert!

    If you disable WPML and remove the changes you describe, is the thing fixed, have you tried that?

    Best regards,


    by the way – you have to copy paste your changes in quick css to each language – this does not work in an automatic way

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