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  • #478003


    I”m currently setting up a nav for a onepage design, and I’ve found that when using the default anchor links they go to the top of the color section, is there a way I can have it go lower? The color section I am using has a lot of padding, so when clicking the link, you end up seeing a lot of white rather than the content.

    To expand, I would like the anchor link to go down an extra 100px.



    Hey haydaw!

    You would drag a codeblock element to your content and add this inside.

    <span id = "customAnchor1"></span>

    And then link to that in the URL instead. i.e.

    Best regards,


    Hi Elliott,
    I search for this and just wanted to say thanks for the code. I was able to use it for my purpose!



    You are welcome, glad Elliott could help :)
    We will keep the thread open to hear from the OP. If you have any questions or issues, please feel free to start a new thread :)


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