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  • #1186168

    on the page below, I am testing some things and have some questions:
    – I am trying to create an anchor link to the text “CONTACT ME” in the blue box that should scroll to the color section tagged “contact” at the bottom of the page. I added a link with #contact in the url link. Instead, it’s just scrolling a little bit. I have tried various fixes without success and don’t usually have a problem with this. I tried using

    – I am also testing some link styling in the text boxes in the middle of the page, but the h3 text on the left is not displaying the links in green like on the right. I have this set in general settings but also tried to add some css:

    h3:link {
    color: #719430;

    but that didn’t change anything. Shouldn’t all the “h” tags take the link & hover colors like “p” does?

    – I have an image at the bottom of the page with a caption shown on hover only. Is there a way to reverse this – to have the text show first and the image displayed when you hover on the text (text swapped for image)?

    thanks for your help

    • This topic was modified 5 years ago by Munford.

    Hey Nancy,

    I see that you have added the anchor to the header, then the link inside of it. That means it links to itself. Also, I’m not sure exactly what you are trying to style, do you want to target the header on hover? h3:link is not valid CSS so it won’t do anything.

    Best regards,


    OH – i see the problem, thanks.

    “do you want to target the header on hover” – no I am just trying to understand why my h3 links don’t display in green in the text on the left, when the text on the right shows the green links. Should I have to use css to style the h3 tags or should they inherit the styles from the theme?
    or could you give me the correct code since everything I try doesn’t work.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by Munford.

    Hi Nancy,

    If you want to target links inside of a h3, then you would have to use CSS like this:

    h3 a {
      color: green; 

    Or add it inline:

    <h3>This is a header <a href="#" style="color: green;">and this is a link</a></h3>

    Best regards,

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