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  • #1090077

    A column link is an anchor link to another page.
    This works once after saving. After that no more?!? What can I do?

    It is the first link on Homepage – Terminvereinbarung.
    The others work

    Thank you for your help


    Hey J.,

    You mean that if you save something on a different element, it stops to work?

    Best regards,


    I insert the link (first Row-Link on Homepage) Terminvereinbarung
    save the link.
    Save the page.
    Go to Preview.
    it works.
    I log out.
    Try again – works once, after that no longer :(

    The same Link in the Menu works without Problems.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Jacky.


    Can u check if your web page disk is full?

    Best regards,


    Not at all

    We use 0.47 GB
    from 25 GB
    There is a lot of place.

    Best regards



    The password is not working – can you let us know again please?

    Best regards,


    There is a new password.

    In the meantime, I translated the website into English.
    Here is another problem with the anchor links. When I select “Offer” (Link:
    in English, it jumps to the German Home page instead of the English Homsite to Offer.

    Can you please look also at that?
    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Jacky.


    this page returns to me not found, have you deleted it?

    Best regards,


    You mean this page?

    The site is still active and everything works fine for me.
    Yesterday, however, I once had the same problem ??

    Please try again
    Thank you

    PS But at the moment I also have a problem with the translation. There it often shows me not foun. Am I still fixing.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Jacky.


    Thank you for sharing the details.

    I have changed the URL of the external link to a relative path as mentioned in private content. It works fine for me now please review and let us know if you have any issue.

    Best regards,

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