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  • #689610

    Hello there,

    I’m presently going through the process of testing/validating my AMP pages after installing AMP plugin + Yoast’s Amp Glue plugin.

    All great and the amp page, even when using the page builder, is as required. Perfect to the eye.

    However, when I run the URL through the validator tool I get a “FAIL” due to 4 errors because of “DISALLOWED-HTML”

    This clears and I get a “PASS” when I deactivate the default Enfold Theme Option “Automated HTML Markup”.

    The error message is “The attribute ‘datetime’ may not appear in tag ‘span’.”

    I want to keep the Automated HTML Markup activated so I am needing a fix for the error message “the attribute ‘datetime’ may not appear in tag ‘span’.

    I have added a link to the URL and validator for you to review the error message on the AMP page :)

    Thanks so much!


    Hey loudcow,

    Please go to enfold/includes/helper-markup.php file and find

    $output .= "<span class='av-structured-data' {$entry_time_markup}>{$post->post_date}</span>";

    and change it to following

    $output .= "<p class='av-structured-data' {$entry_time_markup}>{$post->post_date}</p>";

    We will inform our devs.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Yigit.


    If you can use

    and let us know if that will fix your issue?
    it is compatible with the Page Builders and it actually help you get through any process.

    let us know if we can do anything else for you.



    Hey there Basilis – I’ve changed over to the other plugin – but no luck – same validation error. I will change the theme file as Yigit suggested and let you know if successful.

    A note to anyone else reading this – In terms of AMP plugins available out there – Accelerated Mobile Pages is the best match for Enfold from what I’ve experienced so far.



    Thanks for your sharing your experience :)
    We will keep the thread open and will wait to hear from you. Hope that helps!

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit,

    Your solution did not work for me. I am getting validation errors for AMP on POSTS. Homepage is valid but POSTS are not and have 5 errors all associated with the same error as Loudcow experienced. Can you help please?
    After I made the recommended change you mentioned above <span> to <p> it came out with the same 5 erros but this time saying ‘datetime’ may not appear in tag ‘p’.”

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by wormwoody.

    I was able to remedy this error by simply going into Theme Settings, then Blog Layout and deselecting Display Blog Post Date


    Hi wormwoody,

    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for sharing your solution :-)

    Best regards,

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