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  • #1250911


    I’m using blog post content elements on a few pages, but the title and except of these blog posts doesn’t match the font size of the rest of the page/site. Hpw can I amend this?



    Hey edgold,

    Here is the code you can put in Enfold > General Styling > Quick Css,  if it does not work, put into themes/enfold/css/custom.css

    .avia-content-slider .slide-entry-excerpt {
        font-size: 19px;
        line-height: 1.4em;
        font-weight: 300;

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Great, that works for the excerpt, but doesn’t change the post title size



    Thanks for the update. Please try this CSS as well:

    article.slide-entry h3.slide-entry-title a {
      font-size: 24px;

    Best regards,


    Thanks – this works well, though could you also please share how I can amend the line spacing height for the title. At the moment whenever it wraps there’s a v large gap between the lines of text.



    Thanks for the update. Please try this CSS instead:

    article.slide-entry h3.slide-entry-title a {
      font-size: 24px;
      line-height: 20px;

    Best regards,


    That doesn’t seem to make any difference to the H3 vertical line spacing – I’ve played around with line-height: 20px; and no changes…



    Please try this instead:

    article.slide-entry h3.slide-entry-title a {
      font-size: 24px !important;
      line-height: 20px !important;

    Best regards,


    Hi, I’m afraid this doesn’t work either – changing the font size works fine, but changing the line height has no impact on the front end.



    The code I gave you is not applying since your CSS is served from a cached and minified source. Please try clearing that, or disable the plugin in question.

    Best regards,


    The code is applying fine for the font size, but not the line spacing…



    No it’s not, the titles on your blog page are getting their font size from the theme settings. That means that the CSS we have given you is not applying. Please clear all caches and/or disable your caching plugins.

    Best regards,



    I’m afraid you’re mistaken.

    You’ve given me a piece of CSS code that is supposed to change both the font size and line-height of post titles in blog post content elements.

    When I add this code and play around with the pixel sizes of both font-size: and line-height:, the font size changes (overriding the font size set by the theme) but the line height doesn’t. This suggests that it’s the code that doesn’t work, rather than any caching/plugin issues.



    Hi Ed,

    No I’m not, the code I gave you is not applying at all. You can see what is applying on your site in the screenshot in private, if you change that code then the line height will change too, as you can see in the screenshot as well. I can’t tell you where the code is added, since your CSS is cached/minified.

    Best regards,


    Perhaps we’re talking at cross purposes, as (as you can probably tell!) I’m not a developer or designer. What I can assure you is that I have added the code you provided (below) to my quick CSS area, and when I change the font size in the code the font size changes on the front end. However, when I change the line-height there’s no change to the front end.

    Should I give you access to the site so you can check this for yourself?

    article.slide-entry h3.slide-entry-title a {
    font-size: 24px !important;
    line-height: 20px !important;



    Please send us a temporary WordPress admin login and login URL so that we can have a closer look. You can post the details in the Private Content section of your reply.

    Best regards,


    Sure, log in provided.



    Thanks for that. Please upgrade the account to have admin rights, as we can’t access the theme options otherwise.

    Best regards,


    Ah, apologies. Done!


    Please use these details



    Thanks for that. This CSS is added to your Quick CSS:

    article.slide-entry h3.slide-entry-title a {
      font-size: 30px !important;
      line-height: 40px !important;

    And it’s applying to your site:

    Best regards,

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