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  • #994153

    I am currently using Googl Maps for my Geo Locations in Enfold websites and I would like to know if it is possible / compatible to get Enfold to work with “Here” Map api ( In other words, instead of adding API key to Google services in Enfold menu, an option to use other Maps systems such as “Here”, “Mapbox”, “Bing” or any other system other than Google Maps.


    Hey gadgetman1,

    The theme doesn’t support anything else than Google Maps at the moment unfortunately, but we will likely implement alternatives in the future since the changes Google has made recently.

    Best regards,


    but I think this is a storm in a teacup. I really do have several sites running customer sites through a single API key. All pages have however only the embedding of the map, and link only over the info bubble window to the Google route planner.
    I got the first bill now with 0 Euro for the month.
    The link to his location can be found if he should be entered via the Google search. Let the term e.g. in my case – Weber, enter and search for digital services. Then Google may already show you the link to the route planning. Click on it and you will get to a route plan with the destination as above. You can adjust this window to your wishes, i.e. zoom and possibly decentration of your point of view. You will find the link at the top of your browser’s url window. You copy that and put it in:
    <a href=" copied url " target="_blank" rel="noopener">route planner</a>
    You can enter this in the infowindow of your location at Enfold.
    it will look then this way:

    <a href="''/Weber,+digitale+Dienstleistung,+Ludwig-Schopp-Stra%C3%9Fe+27,+53117+B (Email address hidden if logged out) ,7.0581663,14z/data=!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x47bee1bd23796923:0x7fcf775f84623228!2m2!1d7.05482!2d50.75646" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Routenplaner</a>

    I think Google just wants to prevent that e.g. producers of apps make money with their service and the services behind it. I find that somehow legitimate. An operator of a normal site with an embedded map will probably not come to the region where he has to transfer money to Google.



    Thanks for sharing @guenni007, much appreciated as always :-)

    Best regards,

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