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  • #1459895

    On this mockup site:

    I have separate layout items for mobile and desktop in two places on the home page .On the desktop they look fine, but on the mobile there is a large gap above and below these sections. Question being how do I change that space specifically only on those two instances for those specific layout items? You can see the top section that says ‘Resources to Help Entrepreneurs Succeed’ looks good on desktop, huge gap on mobile. Same thing to some extent on the div holding the layer slider with the three animated thumbnails in it.

    Much appreciated.


    Hey tonyiatridis,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can add this css code to adjust the margin above and below the column or section.

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px) {
      /* Add your Mobile Styles here */
      #top .flex_column.av-lxxntb3b-96793073ee8d9b43abc1bef7251d9ab3 {
        margin-top: -100px !important;
        margin-bottom: -100px !important;

    Best regards,


    That worked like a charm, thanks.

    I’ll need to do this in other places as well, how do you determine the string of characters in this line?
    #top .flex_column.av-lxxntb3b-96793073ee8d9b43abc1bef7251d9ab3

    Not sure where to look



    You need to inspect the element in question using your brower, right click on the element and select Inspect. If you need further help with that, then please let us know.

    Best regards,


    I’m having trouble duplicating the process for other items, the code on inspect is very long and complex but upon finding the same string of characters in the same approx spot in the code yields no results. Can you show me how to target some other items, for instance on the mobile version of the home page the layer slider that makes the three large buttons come into the page has too much space above and below it, see url to example below:

    does this part change depending on the item? #top .flex_column.

    I tied it also on the desktop version with a single image graphic like the one you provided the code for but had no. luck there either.

    Thanks so much for your excellent help as always

    If there is another way to target individual items let me know that as well.



    Thank you for the update.

    If there is another way to target individual items let me know that as well.

    The theme automatically adds unique IDs (e.g., av-lxxntb3b-96793073ee8d9b43abc1bef7251d9ab3) to the elements, which can be used to adjust their styles or run scripts. Besides this, you can also add custom CSS class names or IDs to the elements by editing them and applying the values in the Advanced > Developer Settings toggle. Look for the Custom CSS Class Name or Custom ID Attribute fields. For more info, please check the links below:


    Here’s how to inspect the elements:


    Best regards,


    Having more trouble with this than I expected. Perhaps the way to go about this is with some css in the advanced > developer settings > custom css. Here I would just need css that calls back to that column. So If I wanted to lessen the space above and below the layer slider on the home page for the mobile version, see attached url below for visual, forgive me but could you give me an example of how to pull this off so I can do it elsewhere throughout the site with this method? I wrote some css for margin and padding and entire the css class into that custom css field, but it seemed to have no effect.

    Thanks so much


    Thank you for the link to your site, when I check on mobile the space doesn’t seen as much as in your screenshot:
    Enfold Support 6255
    But to make it less try this CSS in your Enfold Theme Options ▸ General Styling ▸ Quick CSS field:

    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { 
    	#top.home .avia-builder-el-8 {
    		margin-bottom: 0px !important;
    	#top.home .avia-builder-el-11 {
    		margin-bottom: 0px !important;

    After applying the css, please clear your browser cache and check.
    This is the expected results:
    Enfold Support 6257

    Best regards,

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