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  • #161720

    I realise it’s only small, but I thought I’d pass it on in case it’s worth adding to the next update… The (built-in) WPML Language switcher icons are missing the ALT tag.

    As far as I can see the fix is simple – WPML/config.php line:260 can be changed from:
    $output .= " <span class='language_flag'><img title='".$lang['native_name']."' src='".$lang['country_flag_url']."' /></span>";


    $output .= " <span class='language_flag'><img title='".$lang['native_name']."' alt='".$lang['native_name']."' src='".$lang['country_flag_url']."' /></span>";


    yes – thank you for the notice. We are aware of the issue and it will be fixed in the next version.

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