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  • #385958


    Today I upgraded Enfold to the last release in website

    I went to change something in the theme options, I saved and all theme settings, all Quick CSS were lost.

    I restored a settings backup but after I saved everything was lost once again.

    Thank you


    Hi profumopuntoit!

    Not sure what could be going on there. Did you do customizations to the previous version? Changed the folder name? etc etc



    If I restore a database backup I will see my lost custom css?

    There is a way to read it from the sql without restoring? In which field they are stored?

    Thank you Mauro


    Solution found in

    Your best best is to use phpmyadmin to search the database. Go to wp_options > avia_options_enfold and edit the data field. You should find your quick css code somewhere in the serialized data string (search for “quick_css”).

    thank you anyway

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by profumopuntoit. Reason: Others might be interested
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