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  • #1152136

    Help – I have a massive problem.
    My site has been running fine for a couple of years. Today as I was getting ready to put up a new holiday season all the posts are displaying one of the colour sections as a massive background behind everything. All the pages look a complete mess.
    In addition, the spacing on the text boxes is not now evenly placed.

    I have not made any changes to the child theme, have ruled out plugins
    I am using custom post types.

    The posts all have two colour sections at the top of the post. One is set to display on larger screens and one on smaller screens
    With both colour sections in the page the second colour section covers everything apart from the first colour section. If I remove the second colour section the first colour section covers then covers everything.

    This is affecting around 40 pages on the site and is a major issue as we are just about to launch a new season.
    I would be very grateful if you could take an urgent look at this for me and and really hope you can help


    I decided I couldn’t wait for a response and restored an old back up. I have now nailed the problem so as a warning to others

    I used a plugin called ‘Enable Media Replace’. If the settings are set to the option
    Replace the file, use new file name and update all links

    Note: If you check this option, the name and type of the file you are about to upload will replace the old file. All links pointing to the current file (test-hoorn-square.jpg) will be updated to point to the new file name.
    Just replace the file

    Note: This option requires you to upload a file of the same type (image/jpeg) as the one you are replacing. The name of the attachment will stay the same (test-hoorn-square.jpg) no matter what the file you upload is called.

    It does all that weird stuff to the posts . It totally wrecked all my posts. Fortunately I had a back up from this morning.



    I thought I had fixed this but now the strange behaviour is happening whatever I do.
    If I change anything at all on the site the second colour section appears as a background on all custom posts. If I delete the second colour section the first appears as background image over the whole site.

    I have a back up I can roll back to but can’t do anything with it to correct the behaviour


    An update here – I decided to roll back quite some way. and the problem seems to be resolved. Now I am not too sure what caused it.



    Thanks for the updates and sorry for the problem. So everything is working as it should now then? I see that you are running 4.5.3, did these problem occur when you were running

    Best regards,


    Hi Sujohn,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    Next time, please refrain from replying to your own thread because it gets pushed back to the end of the queue and moderators won’t be able to provide a response immediately. Please be patient while we go through the rest of the queue. Thank you for your understanding.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,

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