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  • #505738

    Hi there

    I thought this was just a glitch the other day, but this afternoon, it has been plaguing me as I try to build out my new site.

    BTW, I have disabled pretty much all plugins, it made no difference. I also have the Enfold child theme installed.

    My site is

    So, I wanted to copy the home page, so created another page using a variety of elements, color sections, full width buttons, and some icon images I created. At first, I thought that Enfold didn’t like the 24 bit pngs, so I changed them to jpgs, made no difference.

    I added a couple of rows of elements, as per the home page, when I got to adding the first full width button, and changed the colors to custom colours for the unhover and hover, clicked ‘update’, band, that button and row are just gone, stripped out.

    Earlier, I created 4 1/4 width containers, added the icon images (blue icons in my media file if admin goes takes a look), created special headings, short paragraphs, all looked good then BOOM, gone.

    Not sure what the hell is going on, can a mod take a look


    Hi stevereed1968,

    On what page are you having this problem? If you want to copy a page you can enable debug mode in order to display shortcode:, and then copy/paste the shortcode to the new page. About your saving problem; make sure you don’t have any unclosed html markup as it tends to break the editor:

    <strong>Bold text properly closed</strong>




    I did see a bit of unclosed html, have fixed that and will advise if the issue is not solved, thanks again



    Great, glad that helped. Please let us know if you should need any more help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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