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  • #1437196

    Sorry for having so many questions. My website crashed once, and after restoring it, two issues arose. One is that the homepage cannot enter the Enford editor for editing, and the other is that all icon icons are not displayed (only Safari on the Mac system can display them, other browsers cannot display them). I deleted the Enford theme and reinstalled it, which seems to have resolved the issue of the homepage not being editable. However, the problem of icon icons not displaying still exists. That is, all icon icons can still be seen when accessed through Safari, but not in other browsers. I don’t know how to solve this problem.
    I also cleared the cache, but the issue persists. Now, the social media icons on my website are also invisible, even though they are there.


    Hey liuxuewu,

    Could you post a link to where we can see the problem in question please?

    Best regards,


    I reinstalled the theme, and they all reappeared.



    Great, I’m glad that you got things working. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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