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  • #990007

    I know grid rows are full width – I would like for the image on the right side to remain full width, but I’d like to set a boundary on the right for all items to line up with the logo and the rest of the site content no matter how wide the screen is.

    Is there a way to do this?

    Thank you!


    Hey Dave,

    You might want to try using 1/1 element and put everything in it, it has the container div that will limit the width at the same value as the container in the header.

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Good morning Victoria! Thank you for taking the time to reply to my thread. I appreciate it!

    I added the 1/1 element but it didn’t perform the expected outcome:

    Here is what I did:

    Did I do something incorrectly? Thanks!


    Hi shreinmedia,

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    I meant instead of the grid row use 1/1 and then put you 1/2 with the content inside.

    Best regards,


    Sorry for the delay… added a ton of clients in a short period of time.

    Added the credentials below. It is the home page.



    Please check the link you provided it is not working for me.

    Did you have a look at the Grid Row documentation? I hope this will help you add a custom width. If this is not what you are looking for please post a working link so we can take a look at the issue.

    Best regards,


    Sorry about that… updated link in private


    both elements ( color-section and grid-row) are full-width elements.
    I miss this too – an element that can be a container for other elements and can have the sidebar besides.
    That would be a great thing.
    Espacially the grid-row will be nice to have this behavior – because as you can see at his consturct – ( Link ) – that it would be a very fleible way to layout things.


    The main thing I am trying to accomplish is utilizing the grid row to have a full-width element on the right side (photo) while having the left side text conform to the non-fullwidth site dimensions.


    can you sketch what you want to do?
    something like this:


    At the image below, you can see what I’m thinking… so the image on the right fills up the entire grid row 1/2 column on the right.

    On the left 1/2 grid row, the text does not go further than the main site boundaries as indicated by the dotted orange line.

    Does that make more sense?



    Thanks for the screenshot, though it seems to result in a 404 error on dropbox. Could you try uploading it again please?

    Best regards,


    ok – that is better to understand.

    first you had to know your general setting : default width is 1310px ( so half of it is 655px)
    if you got a container that is 50% of the total width – how many padding left you will need?
    the normal container class has a padding : 0 50px – so from inner Cell we had to diminish it.

    give those grid-rows a custom class f.e.: special-grid-row

    .special-grid-row .flex_cell.avia-builder-el-first {
        padding-left: calc(50% - 655px) !important;
    .special-grid-row .flex_cell.avia-builder-el-first .flex_cell_inner {
        padding-left: 50px !important;

    see here my construct – i got 1510px on total so my code is with 755px less

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.

    Howdy Guenni007 – you are the master! Thank you, again, for being so generous with your time and helping me out here. Means a great deal to me. I already know that I don’t have anything in the café realm that would accurately convey my appreciation – so I’ll just say, BIG THANKS from a dude in Arizona who really needed the help. You made a huge difference.


    Really friendly – thank you for the answer; unfortunately it is not usual here that a positive approach to a solution is answered quickly.
    Your welcome!

    PS : this was the solution for the first (left grid cell – .flex_cell.avia-builder-el-first ) –
    you could transfer this solution to the right one yourself ? ( .flex_cell.avia-builder-el-last )
    but then it will be better to have a unique class for those grid-row element
    maybe ( special-grid-row-left and special-grid-row-right) etc. –

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Guenni007.


    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it @shreinmedia.

    Best regards,


    And once again – for your background-image in the right cell !
    on mobile this is nearly gone. if you like to show something ( the image ) you can setup a min-height – or do a whitespace hr in it with a given height



    Thanks again @guenni007 for helping :)

    Best regards,


    All is good, Rikard. This is great. I think this solution needs to be added into the Enfold Theme Documentation as a way of gaining more control over the left or right side of a grid row.

    Thank you Guenni007!



    Thanks for the feedback, I’ll go ahead and close this thread for now then. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Thanks again to @guenni007 for all the help.

    Best regards,

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