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  • #1436354

    Hi there,

    I want to align the 3 buttons at the bottom. I’ve tried several things, but I can’t seem to get this to work. I used the CSS code below:

    .page-id-14 #av_section_2 .flex_column .avia-button-wrap {
    position: absolute;
    bottom: 25px !important;

    But then the button will appear on top of the text and is no longer centered. Can you please help?


    Hey hanssmeijsters,

    Please try this CSS instead:

    .page-id-14 #av_section_2 .flex_column .avia-button-wrap {
      position: absolute;
      bottom: 25px !important;
      left: 0;
      right: 0;
      margin-left: auto;
      margin-right: auto;
      width: 300px;
    .page-id-14 #av_section_2 .flex_column {
      height: 500px;
      min-height: 500px;

    Best regards,


    Thanks. Works perfect!


    but… I’m trying to achieve the same thing on the ‘Services’ page with the following code:

    /*button allignment on diensten/
    .page-id-18 #av_section_2 .flex_column .avia-button-wrap {
     position: absolute;
     bottom: 25px !important;
     left: 0;
     right: 0;
     margin-left: auto;
     margin-right: auto;
     width: 300px;
    .page-id-18 #av_section_2 .flex_column {
     height: 475px;
     min-height: 475px;

    It doesn’t work there? What am I doing wrong?



    I can’t see that the button code is applying on that page, please try checking your code again and make sure that it’s not placed in a media query for example. You can inspect the element in your browser to check which CSS is applying to it.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    Can you help me with this? I can not do it. Thanks!


    When I test your ‘Services’ page with the following code it works correctly, try adding the css to your WordPress ▸ Customize ▸ Additional CSS

    .page-id-18 #av_section_2 .flex_column .avia-button-wrap {
     position: absolute;
     bottom: 25px !important;
     left: 0;
     right: 0;
     margin-left: auto;
     margin-right: auto;
     width: 300px;
    .page-id-18 #av_section_2 .flex_column {
     height: 475px;
     min-height: 475px;


    Best regards,


    Thanks. I made some stupid mistake. Now it works!


    Glad to hear that you have this sorted out, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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