Tagged: html in ALB
Hi Kriesi-Team,
it’s a minor problem, but very important for my customer.
in the team-member-name form, I want to show the name (normal H3 = bold) and then the title, Dr. nat (not bold). I solved this last year with a css and a span. So in the Team Member Area I coded: Prename Name, <span>Dr. nat</span>.
In the Backend the span is there. If I set it to live, the system output is only the <h3 class=team-member-name”>Prenam Name, Dr. nat</h3> without the span!
It should be <h3 class=team-member-name”>Prename Name, <span>Dr. nat</span></h3>
Last year it worked. I dont know at which update the span was lost.
Please see the link to development in Private content.
Best regards,
Sorry, It’s solved. span does not work, but b = <b>
KR, Vera
span will work if there is a class specified.
<span class="not-bold"> … </span>
Guenni007, thank you, that’s great!
I was lazy and tried to solve it with only span and css, but with class = yes!
Best regards
Glad Guenni007 could help, thank you Guenni007, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.
Best regards,