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  • #515147

    i want to set up a section with blog entries in a specific category.
    f.e. a category called “frontpageinfo”
    but if there is no entry of that category the section should be set to display none! Not the usual “sorry we can not find ….. etc.”
    on search results page there was an extra class for search not found – but here isn’t ?


    Hey Guenter!

    Are you talking about the category archives or are you trying to create a special page for displaying a certain category?



    i want to show on the frontpage a blog entry if category of that entry is “frontpage” if there is no entry with that category there shold be nothing!

    I want to make it easy as possible for a customer. He has sometimes a featured event and on that case he likes to have on the landing page the excerpt of that event with a readmore link about that event. So i told him that he can do it via quickedit of the events by marking the event as eventcategory “frontpage”

    But if there is no entry in that category the preset section should be invisible and no message should be shown that there is no entry.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by Guenni007.


    You would have to edit the loop templates and remove that “no post found” information then. You can find them in /enfold/includes/ and they will be named “loop-index.php” or something similar. You can find the text usually around line 250.

        <article class="entry">
            <header class="entry-content-header">
                <h1 class='post-title entry-title'><?php _e('Nothing Found', 'avia_framework'); ?></h1>
            <p class="entry-content" <?php avia_markup_helper(array('context' => 'entry_content')); ?>><?php _e('Sorry, no posts matched your criteria', 'avia_framework'); ?></p>
            <footer class="entry-footer"></footer>

    Best regards,


    thanks i solved it via the shortcodes of event manager. – There are possibilities to set some if clause on showing an event list.

    but thanks i keep it in mind for all other blog entries

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