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  • #811156

    In some situations the content of AJAX sideloader is not loaded and than it loads only the pages regular content (specified in the Advanced Layout Editor). I do not know all of the situations but one is when clicking tooo fast of the item. The other, quite good reproducable situation:

    1) Open a page with the corresponding grid
    2) e.g. 3 items are displayed
    3) Right click on the first item and select ‘Open in a new tab’
    ==> the above behaviour
    I would have expected
    A) To open a new tab
    B) To load the current page
    C) To AJAX side load the page under the mouse click

    I tried to find a workaround with additional parameters to the permalink but do NOT know how to apply them ==> remains an unsolved issue.


    without your site i can not help you. I have to see what you are describing. From your description only i can not understand what was the problem.


    Just use

    You can simply see the effect even on your page… Just right click and open e.g. Sunset, bee or whatever.

    IMHO this could be easily reproduced… But perhaps I’m missing something ;-)


    do you only want to have no lightbox effect on ajax portfolio big preview.
    Or do you like to have instead : if you click one thumb – the ajax preview is shown and on clicking that image – the link to the portfolio item opens!
    As the right-click open link does!

    That would make more sense to me too.


    Let’s say it that way:

    I don’t wanna maintain both input/content boxes!!! As long as the content of the AJAX is displayed I’m happy… despite the user interaction and handling and performance and….

    I’m not really sure what you mean with the lightbox effect, but what you write about right click sounds like my expectations… Although if there are other reasonable solutions I’m open to them…


    if you normaly click on the thumbnails down the ajax portfolio grid – the ajax opens a preview of the portfolio item above – hovering that bigger image shows you an overlay effect and on click that image you receive a lightbox of the featured image.
    you can suppress that easily – but to have a different link on that ( imaginable was a link to the portfolio-item itself) will be more complicated.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.

    Sorry, I do NOT understand what you are talking about :-/

    I am talking about right-click ‘Open on a new tab’ opens something which is not configured! That’s a feature used in every browser.

    What you are talking about is some kind of solution for a problem I did NOT ask. Right click open on a new tab fails – and that is my issue here. I do NOT have the idea we have a mutual understanding. Can you confirm what I have written? I have NOT read anything that you understand my problem and you experience the same. Just some solutions from which I’m starting to doubt if we have the same understanding of the problem.

    So, plz, could you just confirm that you see the problems as I do? If not, than plz describe what you are seeing on right-click (Open new tab…) and if this matches with what you see when you normally click. Otherwise I do NOT wanna continue the discussion :-/

    AS well: Somebody from kriesi could reproduce the behaviour and see it as well as failure? Haven’t read anything up till now from the moderators. Would be great if others could agree as well to the problem.

    P.S.: My next reply is in an weeks advance – holiday…


    And i can not confirm this behavior – so that is the reason why i do not see your problem

    i have on right click open on the thumbnails the link to the portfolio-item itself.
    On the right click open on the image above the thumbnails i have new tab with the featured image.

    so in my browsers (Firefox, Chorme, Opera, Safari, Safari Technology Preview ) on OSX Sierra – there is no problem with that.

    i thought you would like to have that as a click option as well. So your right click open does not work ( but the click works?) –


    As written in the initial statement:

    <em3) Right click on the first item and select ‘Open in a new tab’
    …. And then…. What do you see??? What content is loaded? Plz describe it meticulously:-/

    I don’t know how to describe the steps to reproduce the problem better…. :-( if you follow the steps what remains unclear???


    Thx very much for the short film which explains it great!!!!

    Yeah… and in the video at about 0:07 sec you see the loaded content. And you see next to the balloon that the content says something different than …. anywhere described in the AJAX stuff… And the description is not the one you define in the AJAX section but more in the Layout section…

    This is what I see as a bug ==> Q: Do we agree?


    aha – on your portfolio item itself – open one please.

    down under the editior of the content! there is a field (normaly it is there – if not look to window top right corner “screen options” mark the field “Additonal Portfolio Settings”) In this field under the content field – that is the content shown on Ajax Preview ! And not the content of the item itself.


    Nope: where did you define the content of 0:07????


    1) open a portfolio entry !
    2) you now see the advanced layout editior of enfold
    3) scroll down – there is a window “Additional Portfolio Settings” this is the content ajax Preview shows. – When you right click one of those thumbs and open in new window – than it will go to the real portfolio-item (single post)

    see film on :


    i think the reason for two “content – fields” is:

    on the item itself you can be more precise. have additonal sliders etc.
    the ajax preview should only give a summary like overview – it is more or less an excerpt of the real content.
    What is a bit confusing is that for the example the layout is very similar to that in single-portofolio content.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.

    here you can see that i have synchronized the contents
    please click on the sun of the ajax


    Yeah, but if I do NOT wanna handle anything within the portfolio items ? If I’m just happy with the content displayed on the AJAX-stuff? I do NOT wanna see them anywhere… and I do NOT expect to open by itself…

    The user interaction is misleading. If I open on a link with right click a link on a web-site than I expect either

    1) the same side is loaded OR
    2) the side is loaded the same style as I would left-clicked on the item – just on a new page

    We discuss now endlessly if this is how it should be or… Anyway, theses are my user expectations and not my dev expectations after some endless discussion. For me as a dev it would mean that I have to maintain the content twice which might get a big burden – especially when using multiple langs!

    Anyway I do NOT expect the content as it is opened on the new tab. Would you expect it? I mean if you step for moment in front of the curtain and interact with your side from a newbee-point of view.

    …. hibernate for one week …. from my side….



    There’s a way to disable the “contextmenu” or the “right-click” tab using jQuery. Edit the js > shortcodes then look for this code around line 1799:

    container.on("click", "a", methods.load_item);

    Replace it with:

    container.on("click contextmenu", "a", methods.load_item);

    Best regards,



    Duplicate thread. Closed.

    Best regards,

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