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  • #678010

    We wanted one of our main menu link to open an ajax portfolio we have.

    already added this to the functions

    add_action( 'wp_footer', 'enfold_customization_portfolio_linking', 999 );
    function enfold_customization_portfolio_linking() {
    <script type = "text/javascript">
    var p = getUrlParameter('custom_ajax');
    jQuery('.post-entry-'+p+' .grid-image').click();
    function getUrlParameter(sParam)
        var sPageURL =;
        var sURLVariables = sPageURL.split('&');
        for (var i = 0; i < sURLVariables.length; i++) 
            var sParameterName = sURLVariables[i].split('=');
            if (sParameterName[0] == sParam) 
                return sParameterName[1];

    then we put this to the main menu url.
    with the proper url of our site and our portfolio page together with the proper ID.
    But, It STILL does not open an ajax portfolio, it goes straight to the page itself and not as an ajax popup.

    Any chance you can give light to this problem?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by intense.

    Great Support. 3 Days and no replies.
    This is still not yet resolved.

    The ajax portfolio link is not working, it just loads to that page and does not do the pop up effect of the ajax portfolio.


    try this:
    as link

    by the way: where is that code from?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.

    Hi, Thanks Guenni007 but I tried the code but it’s wrong since it pops up as an iframe and not just like the Ajax Portfolio.

    the codes are taken from

    This issue is still NOT resolved.


    aha – so i misunderstood your “popup” request.

    the thing is , that you have a page where a ajax portfolio is placed. On default there was no portfolio shown till you click one of those littel thumbnails beyond that portfolio.
    (this is similar to tab navigation accept there was the possibility to say which tab is opend when opening the page)

    You want that the page opens with a certain portfolio opend in ajax view!

    And here we are: the portfolios are not numbered 01, 02, 03 they got a unique ID .
    You can find out what id the portfolio has if you open it standalone – something like : …/wp-admin/post.php?post=3142
    is on your browserwindow – the 3142 is the ID

    and this ID is in the LInk above:

    you can see it here in my testpage:


    I already changed the ID to the right one and it still does not pop up.
    It just load to the page of the portfolio it self, and not like the ajax popup with a gallery view.

    we wanted it to load just like the ajax portfolio (same window with a pop up where we can view the image & text at the same time) but not as a separate page.

    That’s what I wanted to achieve (your test page)
    How did you manage to make it work?
    Where is the link on your main menu that links there?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by intense.

    btw. i’m a participant as you are here on board; but everyone here of the mods do the best they can – but your request from Friday – just before weekend ? have a little understanding that they have a private life too!


    the link of mine above : ? is it what you want?

    i understand the link to the help-site in this way:

    This snippet will allow you to create links to your portfolio ajax items and have one of them open up when the page is loaded.

    It opens the site in this way:
    and not in that way (by default)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.

    Thank you Guenni007 for taking the time to help. Yes I understand about the friday thing, I just got carried away and forgot that its a holiday.

    Yes, that’s what i’ve been doing, i added a link to my portfolio on my navigation menu.
    and every time we click it, it just goes to load into the page itself and not as an ajax pop up just like yours.

    I tried adding the deep linking code to the functions.php and also the functions child.
    yours is working, mine is not. not sure what’s wrong..


    have you a link to your site?

    the page is the page including that portfolio grid element:

    that is my site

    and if i want to open from the beginning one of those ajax fields the rest of the url is that the ?custom_ajax=3142


    im putting
    custom_ajax=376 on my about us link

    its the id of my portfolio item.
    did you put an id from a portfolio item or a portfolio category?

    ^ this is what i put on my about us link in the main menu.
    when clicked, ajax portfolio pop up does not work..

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by intense.

    first of all there is a “/” missing as on every other sites with id Link

    the 376 has to be the ID of your portfolio-item !

    by the way it does not work with the link of my example above to the portfolio-category:

    has no effect !

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Guenni007.

    So without a real link to your site i’m out now. A mod from now on has to help you.



    : Thanks for helping. :)

    @intense: Sorry for the late response. Please post the url to the site and provide the FTP and WP login credentials so that we can apply the modifications. Thank you.

    Best regards,


    it stll works good

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Guenni007.


    Is the issue here shorted out or not, please do update us.

    Best regards,

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