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  • #1014575

    Hey dear Kriesi team,

    apologies for taking your time the last few days.

    On one page I use a fullwidth submenu and an ajax portfolio. When clicking on a portfolio item, the ajax window scrolls behind the fullwidth submenu navigation.
    I guess I’m not the first one with that. I could not find a thread for that scenario.

    Sometimes the ajax portfolio runs into an error. Screenshot below.

    Thank you as always!

    Best regards,

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Ink_Eye.

    Hey Ink_Eye,

    1) The error pops up if the user clicks on a portfolio item which is not fully loaded yet. You can activate the preloader effect (Enfold > Theme Options) if you want to make sure that your users can’t click on an item before the page content is loaded.

    2) I adjusted the offset for you – I replaced line 158 in enfold/config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/portfolio/portfolio.js

    var target_offset = target_wrap.offset().top - 175,


    var target_offset = target_wrap.offset().top - 250,

    Now the menu won’t cover the top part of the portfolio item.

    Best regards,


    Hey Dude,

    perfect, thank you!
    I’ve just seen it and wondered why it works, took a look in the forum and realized, that it’s fixed.

    Your support is outstanding!

    Best regards,


    Hi Thomas,

    Glad we could help :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.
    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    the ajax runs into an error sometimes. I attached two screenshots (the first screenshot is the same from yesterday).

    Maybe you have an idea what this could be.

    Otherwise I would leave it there. I do not know what can cause this error.

    Best regards,



    We’re aware of the issue. It pops up if the user clicks on a portfolio item which is not fully loaded.

    I tried to replace following code in

    				if(false === is_open)


    			if(false === is_open)
    				if(typeof content_retrieved[post_id] != 'undefined')
    					setTimeout(function(){ methods.show_item(post_id, clickedIndex); return; }, 1000);

    Please check if this solves the issue on your end.

    Best regards,


    Hi Peter, hello Victoria,

    thank you for your help! This site is my biggest webdesign project till now and your help is very much appreciated.

    Sorry, dude, I forgot, that you mentioned the issue already yesterday.

    The site works fine. Thank you.

    Best regards,



    I’m glad you got this resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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