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  • #238100

    Not sure why, but the portfolio image is slightly blurry – see this screen cap/link
    I have looked over other posts but couldn’t find the answer that would resolve this. The original image size is 900 x 606.


    Hey Snerp!

    Can you please give us a link to the website? You can edit functions.php to increase the image size for the ajax portfolio preview image, look for this code:

    $avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] 		 		= array('width'=>710, 'height'=>575 );						// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)

    Increase the width and height. Something like this:

    $avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] 		 		= array('width'=>900 'height'=>600 );						// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)

    Regenerate the thumbnails using this plugin:



    Hi Ismael,

    I have a child theme and a blank functions.php file already loaded. If I change the function as you have shown, I would like to use the child theme’s function.php. I was going to do this myself but noticed your functions uses a global var. So I’m not sure how to set the the child theme’s function.php file correctly. Could you take a look?

    Here is the FTP info:

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Snerp.


    You can use this on the child theme’s functions.php:

    function avia_change_image_size_array() {
    global $avia_config;
    $avia_config['imgSize']['gallery'] = array('width'=>900, 'height'=>600 );						// images for portfolio entries (2,3 column)
    add_action( 'init', 'avia_change_image_size_array', 1);



    Hi there,
    I’ve been uploading 495x400px images as “featured images” for my portfolio and they look rather pixelated and squashed. I even tried bigger images and here again, same problem.
    How can I get my featured image crisp and sexy?


    Hi Ismael, the code is giving me a syntax error.



    I updated the code above, please use it. :)

    : 495px is quite small. Please use images with at least 1500px in width. Smaller images about 1000px is ok.



    Thanks so much Ismael, but for a featured image only? It’s the thumbnail image of a portfolio item for the Ajax portfolio I believe. The screenshot of this thumbnail is 495px.
    1500px for this seems quite big, to be honest.

    P.S. How can I start my own thread by the way?
    Thanks so much for your support.



    Use 1500px image then the theme will re-size or break the image down to smaller thumbnails. If you want to create a new topic, just browse through theme list and look for the current theme that you’re currently using. Scroll below, you’ll see the “Create New Topic” section.



    Thanks so much!

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