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  • #205027

    I have added this player to our website

    I would like for it to remain at the bottom of the site without re-loading the page so the audio player continues. I have tried the various ajax page wordpress plugins suggested by its author, but of no success yet. Can you point me in the right direction with a suggestion or code that would allow this to be at the bottom without having to reload on every page? Does enfold have this feature available for ajax page loading? The only pages I do not want it on is the SSL pages of our site.

    Thank you for a great theme!


    Hi grpetz!

    Unfortunately for something like that you will probably need to have a freelance developer add in that kind of customization. I don’t know of any really good plugin implementations for site wide ajax effects like that.

    You would probably have the easiest time adding a separate frame that would load in below all of the page content in its own frame but it might not be what you are looking for.



    Thanks Devin for helping with suggestions. What file would I edit to create that “separate frame”? I assume you are talking about coding it into the theme? Appreciate the help.




    That would be separated from WordPress, you’d create an index.html on your / and put WordPress on something like /wp, the contents of this index.html would be your audio player and an iframe pointing to /wp:

    <!doctype html>
    <html lang="en">
    	<meta charset="UTF-8">
    	<iframe src="/wp" frameborder="0"></iframe>	


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