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  • #567500

    I tried to found out what happens if I install again the ‘default demo’ even if I have the site almost done. I’m having trouble with the page and header slider’s width. I want them fullwidth but can’t do it, I still have white space on both sides (right and left) instead of full and responsive width. Going around theme settings I could not find how to solve it so I believe I’d better install the demo and see how it’s done.
    BUT I wonder if this will interfere with pages I already have done? or the demo will just install new pages?
    Sorry to make such a simple question and I feel little dummy but I do not want to ‘garble’ pages done until now.
    Thank you, Nona

    PS: theme running on WP 4.4.1 and Enfold 3.4.7


    Hey Nona!

    It will just install new pages. It will overwrite all of your theme settings as well but you can export / import your settings in Dashboard > Enfold > Import/Export to save them.

    Best regards,

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