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  • #1263971

    I have updated my WP to the latest version and once i entered Enfold i realized i don’t have the left sidebar.
    read a few question and the comments on them about it but couldn’t find any thing that will help me solve it.
    what i need to do?

    • This topic was modified 4 years, 3 months ago by hofitlev.


    Thanks for contacting us!

    You are currently using an older version of Enfold 4.4.1 which is not compatible with your WordPress version. Please refer to this post – and update Enfold to the latest version and clear cache. That should help :)

    Best regards,


    I also have a problem with Enfold and wanted to update Enfold (already postet in this forum) , but – wordpress does NOT display, that there are any themes to update. I tried both ways shown in your link upside – but Enfold does not update.
    Enfold displays Version 3.7.1 (!!!). But in the moment no way to update….



    Please update the theme manually. Envato has updated their API and we have implemented those changes in Enfold 4.5 so any older Enfold version needs a manual update first.

    Both of your sites are using older versions than 4.5 so manual update and then inserting Personal Token in Enfold theme options would help :)



    Hi thank you for the response, i will do it now!
    just wanted to make sure it will not effect my site?



    No, it will not effect your website :)
    It would only overwrite the modifications if any made on theme files and I believe that is not the case. If you have made any modifications on theme files, please have a backup first to be on the safe side :)

    Best regards,

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