February 11, 2014 at 7:57 pm #222368
Since I updated Enfold this morning, when I scale down my browser window, my images in columns just get smaller but do not drop down below each other. They appear to no longer be responsive.
February 11, 2014 at 10:29 pm #222399Hi D5WDesignGroup!
There was a change with how column content is rendered but it doesn’t remove responsive support. Can you provide a link to the page?
Best regards,
DevinFebruary 11, 2014 at 11:28 pm #222424You can see the issue on the following pages.
http://startwishing.com/product-specs/Thank You.
February 11, 2014 at 11:42 pm #222429Looks like it was pulled out of the grid or the inheritance got messed up a bit. You can add this to your custom.css file inside of the mobile only media query:
#top .flex_column.av_one_third { width: 100%; margin-left: 0; }
February 12, 2014 at 12:07 am #222441That works somewhat for pages that have 3 columns but pages that have 4 or the footer which has 4 still has the problem. Any new pages that I create seem to work fine. Why is it that all of the pages I created before the update no longer work? I don’t want to have to rebuild the pages. With the fix that you sent, the images from the first row get stacked tight up against each other when it goes to mobile while the images from the other rows all have wider spacing between them when they go mobile.
February 12, 2014 at 1:27 am #222449February 12, 2014 at 1:41 am #222457Sorry I thought you had them from the previous replies.
Suggested Fix:
#top .flex_column.av_one_third {
width: 100%;
margin-left: 0;
}My Response:
That works somewhat for pages that have 3 columns but pages that have 4 or the footer which has 4 still has the problem. Any new pages that I create seem to work fine. Why is it that all of the pages I created before the update no longer work? I don’t want to have to rebuild the pages. With the fix that you sent, the images from the first row get stacked tight up against each other when it goes to mobile while the images from the other rows all have wider spacing between them when they go mobile.Some of the pages that are having the issue:
February 12, 2014 at 9:33 am #222617Hi!
Please use this on custom.css or Quick CSS to fix the one fourth column widgets:
@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) { .responsive .av_one_fourth.first.el_before_av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth.el_before_av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_half { margin-left: 2%; clear: none; } .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_half { margin-top: 0; } .responsive .av_one_fourth.first.el_before_av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_fourth.first + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth.el_before_av_one_fourth, .responsive .av_one_half.first + .av_one_fourth.el_before_av_one_fourth + .av_one_fourth { margin-left: 2%; width: 23.1%; } }
IsmaelFebruary 12, 2014 at 5:51 pm #222917That has not fixed the issue of the 4 columns in the footer not being responsive. It also does not address the spacing problem originally stated above.
#top .flex_column.av_one_third {
width: 100%;
margin-left: 0;
}“With the fix that you sent, the images from the first row get stacked tight up against each other when it goes to mobile while the images from the other rows all have wider spacing between them when they go mobile.”
Everything was working fine prior to the update. How can I fix this without having to experiment with adding Quick CSS? Do I need to reinstall the theme?
February 12, 2014 at 6:46 pm #222941It seems as though its having a problem with the Advanced LayerSlider after the update. The columns all work fine and are responsive with no additional Quick CSS until there is more than one Advanced Layerslider on the page. As soon as there is more than on Layerslider on the page the responsive columns no longer work.
February 12, 2014 at 8:00 pm #222975I think a very similar problem is generated also by fullwidth easy slider after the update. Can it be of the same origin?
See my post: https://kriesi.at/support/topic/fullwidth-masonry-fullwidth-easy-slider-layout-problem/February 13, 2014 at 5:52 pm #223530It seems as though its having a problem with the Advanced LayerSlider after the update. The columns all work fine and are responsive with no additional Quick CSS until there is more than one Advanced Layerslider on the page. As soon as there is more than one Layerslider on the page the responsive columns no longer work.
February 14, 2014 at 6:02 pm #224089Hi!
I have just checked the pages where you are/were having issues and it seems to be working fine now. Can you confirm that it is fine on your end as well?
Also, version 2.5.2 was released recently and has some small bug fixes. If you are having any other issues, please try updating the theme ( see http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/updating-your-theme-files/ )Best regards,
YigitFebruary 14, 2014 at 6:50 pm #224104It is not working fine on my end. All of the images on those pages should be dropping down below each other when on mobile. Also the footer is still not responsive. This is all since the update a few days ago. I just installed the newest update and I am still having the same problem. Items in columns are only scaling down, not going responsive when there is more than one Advanced Layerslider on the page. Please advise, I need to get this resolved A.S.A.P.
February 14, 2014 at 7:02 pm #224111Hey!
Please try adding following code to Quick CSS in Enfold theme options under Styling tab
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { div .av_one_third, div .av_one_fourth { margin-left: 0!important; width: 100%!important; }}
YigitFebruary 14, 2014 at 7:07 pm #224114That makes them responsive but as I have said previously above it causes other issues.
“With the fix that you sent, the images from the first row get stacked tight up against each other when it goes to mobile while the images from the other rows all have wider spacing between them when they go mobile.”
There is a problem with the columns and the advanced layersliders. That quick CSS causes spacing issues between items. This wasn’t an issue prior to the update earlier in the week.
February 14, 2014 at 7:15 pm #224116Hey!
Please add following code to Quick CSS as well
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { body .column-top-margin { margin-top: 0; } body .container_wrap .avia-builder-el-last { margin-top: 30px; }}
Best regards,
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
Yigit. Reason: forgot to add media queries
February 14, 2014 at 7:25 pm #224120Please review these pages and you will see that there are still spacing issues:
http://startwishing.com/Am I better off reverting back to the previous version of the theme from last week when there weren’t any of these issues?
February 15, 2014 at 8:29 am #224281Hi!
This should fix the image gap on mobile view:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px) { .avia-align-center.avia_image.avia-builder-el-no-sibling { margin-bottom: 0; margin-top: 15px; } }
This is for the footer widget.
@media only screen and (max-width: 989px) and (min-width: 768px) { div .av_one_fourth { width: 48.0%; } }
IsmaelFebruary 15, 2014 at 6:18 pm #224382I have added that along with all of the other code fixes that have been suggested. Please review the pages that I sent previously. It is still not working properly. There are still spacing problems.
http://startwishing.com/product-specs/I even tried a fresh install of wordpress with a fresh install of Enfold with no other plugins installed, on a different server. The issue is the same. Once you have more than one Advanced Layerslider on a page the columns no longer work properly. When do you expect to have this issue fixed? I can’t keep waiting and trying these code fixes that aren’t working. If there isn’t going to be a fix I need to know now so I can revert back to one of the previous versions of the theme.
February 17, 2014 at 8:56 am #224819Hi!
Tbh I’m not sure if Kriesi is going to fix this issue directly. The next update will include LayerSlider 5 and if we find an incompatibility issue (i.e. with the column elements) we will fix it for sure. For now you can try this css code:
@media only screen and (max-width: 767px){ body .column-top-margin { margin-top: 10px; } .avia-align-center.avia_image.avia-builder-el-no-sibling { margin-bottom: 10px; } }
to fix the spacing issue for smaller screens.
PeterFebruary 18, 2014 at 9:43 pm #225754Hi!
To be honest I don’t see the problem when I try to reproduce your issue and since you are currently running the older version I cant check it on your page either. I was able to reproduce the footer problems which I could fix. Do you see any of the problems you encountered on our live demo page?
KriesiFebruary 19, 2014 at 6:23 pm #226346Sorry I had to switch back to the older version to avoid the responsive column issues. I didn’t see the problem on your live demo page but I didn’t see any pages on your live demo containing multiple Advanced LayerSliders. The issue appears when you have more than one Advanced LayerSlider on a page. It also seemed to happen when I had one Advanced LayerSlider and the Masonry Gallery on the same page.
February 22, 2014 at 5:43 am #227825What is the exact layout that is causing issues? Is it just multiple LayerSliders or somethign else on top of that?
February 25, 2014 at 1:53 am #228785It was multiple Advanced LayerSliders that were causing the issues. I believe it was also the AdvancedLayerSlider combined with the Full Width Masonry Gallery on the same page but I’m not positive about the last one since I’ve had to revert back to the previous version of the theme.
This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by
- The topic ‘After updating, images in columns are no longer responsive?’ is closed to new replies.