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  • #1027279

    Hi Folks,

    after the Update to 4.5 (it worked with the instructions from Mike) I’ve got a “highlight-
    problem“. Please go to my portfolio-site and look by yourself. They’re a little bit to big,
    aren’t they?

    I’ve got these settings in the „extended styling-field“ (look at the screenshot). So, what
    is the problem here right now? Before the update everything worked fine.

    Nice Sunday evening to all of you!

    Best regards


    Hey Carsten,

    Thank you for using Enfold.

    Did you add this css code?

    .avia-image-overlay-wrap a.avia_image .image-overlay {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1.5);
        -ms-transform: scale(1.5);
        transform: scale(1.5);

    That css code enlarges the overlay.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thx for your answer!

    No, I didn’t add this css-code. But he helps with this problem.
    I can downsize again the image-overlay to the size I want…nice. :-)
    Essentially the problem is solved with that. But further we don’t know
    what is the original problem, don’t we? On the other side – if a prob
    is solved everything is allright. So, for the moment, I think, everything
    is allright. ;-)

    Best regards


    Hi Carsten,

    Glad you got it working for you! :)

    If you need further assistance please let us know.

    Best regards,


    Good evening Victoria,

    yes, I need more assistance, because the „image increasing“ is also not
    working anymore. :-/ First I just looked at the overlay-prob, but today
    I noticed that pictures are not increasing after the update to 4.5. I tested it
    in all main-browsers. I hope that I’m not the only one with that problem.
    And of course I checked the backend and I can’t find a mistake, so I hope
    you do. :-)

    Best regards



    We’ve already notified our devs regarding the “image hover effect” issue. You can use this css code temporarily.

    .avia_image {
        -webkit-transition: all 0.7s;
        transition: all 0.7s;
    .av-hover-grow:hover img {
        -webkit-transform: scale(1.1);
        transform: scale(1.1);



    Good evening Ismael,

    thx for your answer! Glad to hear that it is an known problem.
    I will check the code tomorrow morning and after that I’ll
    give you feedback…until then…

    Best regards


    Hi Carsten,

    Thanks for the update, please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,

    unfortunately the code-snippet from Ismael doesn’t work correctly at my site.
    He works, but just not really correctly. :-/ Hopefully your devs find the solution
    expeditious. :-)

    Best regards



    Thanks for the update.

    You can also add this css code if you don’t want the image to overflow outside the image container.

    .av-hover-grow {
       overflow: hidden;

    Best regards,


    Good Evening Ismael,

    thx for your feedback and new snippet!

    But unfortunately also this snippet does not work correctly, sorry. ;-/
    So, me and my customers have to wait a little bit longer until your
    Devs find a solution. ;-)

    I’m looking forward to hear from you soon…until then.

    Best regards



    What do you see after adding the code? Can you give us a screenshot? You can use imgur or dropbox.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    I could make a screenshot, but the problem is, that you wouldn’t see anything
    because nothing happens. The code is just not working. ;-/ And now?

    I really need the “image hover effect” back, especially for my customers-projects!
    So again…hopefully your devs find the problem fast.

    I’m glad to hear from you soon…until then…
    It’s me again…sorry, I just tested in Safari and there nothing happens. But in FF
    and Vivaldi for example it works. So it seams to me, that it is a special Safari – prob.

    Bon Weekend

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by designbasis.


    Thanks for the update. We’ll forward the issue to the dev. FYI, this same code works for another user.


    Best regards,


    Hi again Ismael,

    first…happy new year to all of you!

    Second… unfortunately after the new update to 4.5.2 your code-snippet
    .av-hover-grow {
    overflow: hidden;
    doesn’t work correctly again. The images are all flow over the edge. And
    now also in Firefox and Vivaldi and not only in Safari. ;-/ Test by yourself
    with the link.

    I hoped that you fixed the complete image-hover-prob until the last update,
    but it seems so, that not.

    So, is there another solution meanwhile or do we must wait a litte bit longer?
    I’m glad to hear from you soon…until then…

    Best regards



    The hover effect should work now without that css code. Please remove it and toggle the Performance > File Compression settings.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    thx for your answer, but it did not work, sorry.
    I removed all of the last css-code and I deactivate the
    css-compression, as you wrote, but it’s not working. And now?

    Best regards



    The hover effect is working properly. This sets the overflow property to hidden.

    .avia-image-container.av-hover-grow.av-hide-overflow, .avia-image-container.av-hover-grow.av-hide-overflow .avia-image-overlay-wrap a.avia_image {
        overflow: hidden;

    Best regards,


    Hi again Ismael,

    thx for your answer!

    Haha, yes…now it’s working again, but gues what? There was a problem which
    I think, nobody could know…esspecially me. ;-) I fixed it just a few minutes
    before your new answer! ;-)

    So, here is the solution: I controled a further time the image-elements and all of
    them stood on “Yes, slightly increase the image“, but before they stood all on
    “Yes, slightly zoom the image“. So, how could this happen?

    I call such things “digital hiccups”…and you?

    Best regards



    I’m sorry but I don’t understand what you’re saying. Maybe, it’s the translation? Is it working properly on your end now?

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    hmm, how can I explain it better? I’ll try.

    First – yes, it’s working properly on my end now!

    But I wondered what happened of it’s own in the image-elements.
    All images stood on “Yes, slightly increase the image“, but before
    they stood all on “Yes, slightly zoom the image“. Look at the Screen-
    shot! And I ask myself, how could this happen without my intervening?
    Do you understand it now what I mean? It happened seemingly by it’s own.
    One thing is for sure, this all happened after the last update.

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by designbasis.


    I am still quite confuse myself but I’m glad that it is working properly now. Let us know if you need anything else.

    Best regards,

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